Module 04- Individual Case Analysis – Drout Advertising Research Project


Please read the following Data Analytics for Business case assigned for this Learning Module and please analyze and answer the Assignment(s) requested in this Case Analysis.


For this part of the case:

  • Summarize the numerical data using descriptive statistics measures, find proportions for categorical variables, examine correlations, and use PivotTables as appropriate to compareaverage values.
  • Compute confidence intervals for means and proportions, and
  • Analyze the sampling errors, possibly suggesting larger sample sizes to obtain more precise estimates.


An important aspect of business analytics is good communication. Write up your answers to this case formally in a well-written report as if you were a consultant to

Please develop YOUR OWN Business Data Analytics EXCEL models to support all your answers and analyses and post this(these) file(s) in addition to your Case Analysis DroutAdvertising Research Project Report. 


Finally, please answer ALL Questions and Sections of this Data Analytics for Business Case with great detail AND STEP BY STEP being extremely methodical and accurate in your answers. It is extremely important that for each Question and Section, you write the entire question and you LABEL and/or PLACE the appropriate headings and subheadings clearly for EACH part of the question and/or section.


Please address, analyze, and discuss in great detail and thoroughly support and explain the what’s, how’s, and why’s of each of your answers. 


I expect high caliber Case Analysis Reports with top analyses and interesting insights!! If you have any questions, please let me know. I am here to help.

Learning Assignment Guidelines


Case Analysis Written Report:

This document should be a typed professional written report in Word and PDFformat with a 1.5 max line space, a suitable font such as Times Roman or Calibri of 12 point maximum, and left, right, top, bottom margins of .8 inches maximum.


** No Word and PDF format documents:  No grading.


Please submit your Case Analysis Written Report and YOUR OWN Business Data Analytics Case Analysis EXCEL model(s) files.


** No Case Analysis Written Report and YOUR OUR OWN Business Data Analytics Case Analysis EXCEL model(s) files:  No grading.


TurnItIn Originality Score Index

Case Analysis Reports with a TurnItIn Originality Score Index:

* Orange (50-74% similarity index) and/or Red (75-100% similarity index) 

will NOT be graded and will be reviewed and assess for potential

Academic Dishonesty misconduct.


Using APA Style and Tips in Writing

You can find several readings and support material for your writing learning assignments and APA Style use at our Canvas Learning Management System section:

Course Content: 1.2 Using APA Style and Tips in Writing


Case Analysis Drout Advertising Research Project

Drout Advertising Survey Data.xlsx Reference:

Business Analytics (2e). – James R. Evans.

Pearson 2013 – ISBN: 9780132950619.

Case Analysis Background

Jamie Drout is interested in perceptions of gender stereotypes within beauty product advertising, which includes soap, deodorant, shampoo, conditioner, lotion, perfume, cologne, makeup, chemical hair color, razors, skin care, feminine care, and salon services; as well as the perceived benefits of empowerment advertising. Gender stereotypes specifically use cultural perceptions of what constitutes an attractive, acceptable, and desirable man or woman, frequently exploiting specific gender roles, and are commonly employed in advertisements for beauty products. Women are represented as delicately feminine, strikingly beautiful, and physically flawless, occupying small amounts of physical space that generally exploit their sexuality; men as strong and masculine with chiseled physical bodies, occupying large amounts of physical space to maintain their masculinity and power. In contrast, empowerment advertising strategies negate gender stereotypes and visually communicate the unique differences in each individual. In empowerment advertising, men and women are to represent the diversity in beauty, body type, and levels of perceived femininity and masculinity. Her project is focused on understanding consumer perceptions of these advertising strategies.

Jamie conducted a survey using the following questionnaire:

  1. What is your gender?
    1. Male
    2. Female
  2. What is your age?
  3. What is the highest level of education you have completed?
    1. Some High School Classes
    2. High School Diploma
    3. Some Undergraduate Courses
    4. Associate Degree
    5. Bachelor Degree
    6. Master Degree
    7. J.D.
    8. M.D.
    9. Doctorate Degree
  4. What is your annual income?
    1. $0 to <<$10,000
    2. $10,000 to <<$20,000
    3. $20,000 to <<$30,000
    4. $30,000 to <<$40,000
    5. $40,000 to <<$50,000
    6. $50,000 to <<$60,000
    7. $60,000 to <<$70,000
    8. $70,000 to <<$80,000
    9. $80,000 to <<$90,000
    10. $90,000 to <<$110,000
    11. $110,000 to <<$130,000
    12. $130,000 to <<$150,000
    13. $150,000 or More
  5. On average, how much do you pay for beauty and hygiene products or services per year? Include references to the following products: soap, deodorant, shampoo, conditioner, lotion, perfume, cologne, makeup, chemical hair color, razors, skin care, feminine care, and salon services.
  6. On average, how many beauty and hygiene advertisements, if at all, do you think you view or hear per day? Include references to the following advertisements: television, billboard, Internet, radio, newspaper, magazine, and direct mail.
  7. On average, how many of those advertisements, if at all, specifically subscribe to gender roles and stereotypes?
  8. On the following scale, what role, if any, do these advertisements have in reinforcing specific gender stereotypes?
    1. Drastic
    2. Influential
    3. Limited
    4. Trivial
    5. None
  9. To what extent do you agree that empowerment advertising, which explicitly communicates the unique differences in each individual, would help transform cultural gender stereotypes?
    1. Strongly agree
    2. Agree
    3. Somewhat agree
    4. Neutral
    5. Somewhat disagree
    6. Disagree
    7. Strongly disagree
  10. On average, what percentage of advertisements that you view or hear per day currently utilize empowerment advertising?