Module 7 Portfolio Milestone

The Portfolio Project, Option #2, consists of three parts. Please review all three and submit together for grading.

Note: Part 1 was completed as a draft in the Module 7 Portfolio Milestone, Option #2. Please make any updates necessary, being sure to incorporate instructor feedback.

Part 1: State Machine Diagrams
Part 1 consists of the creation of two diagrams as described below.

Diagram 1: Bank ATM behavioral state machine UML diagram
Create a UML behavioral state machine diagram describing a bank automated teller machine (ATM) top-level state machine.

Background: The ATM is initially turned off. After the power is turned on, the ATM performs the startup action and enters the Self-Test state. If the test fails, the ATM goes into the Out of Service state, otherwise there is a triggerless transition to the Idle state. In this state, the ATM waits for a customer interaction. Be sure to show these items in your diagram.

Diagram 2: Online shopping user account UML state machine diagram Create an example of a user account lifecycle in the context of online shopping and show it as a UML protocol state machine diagram.

Background: Every company has customers and needs to maintain customer accounts and support a complete lifecycle of the account—from its creation until it is closed. There are differences in what stages (states) are in the account’s lifecycle and what conditions or events are causing an account to change its state. Be sure to take this background into consideration when creating your diagram.

Part 2: Pseudocode
Using a programming language of your choice, write a script that will print out pseudocode of your diagrams. Paste the pseudocode in a Word document.

Part 3: Lessons Learned Reflection
Write a one- to two-page summary that outlines the lessons you have learned in this software engineering course. Reflect on how these lessons can be applied toward more effective software engineering practices and modeling.

Compile all your work (Parts 1-3) into a single document and submit as a Word or PDF file.

Your paper must be formatted according to the APA guidelines in the CSU Global Writing Center. The CSU Global Library and Writing Center links can be found in the course navigation panel. Review the Portfolio Project grading rubric for specific grading criteria.