Multicultural Event Written
Please choose and research a cultural or diverse event that you are not familiar with. Examples can include a ritual, holiday, religious custom, cultural practice, cultural celebrations, etc. While these are a few suggestions please think outside the box and find something that interest you.You will write a 2 – 3 page paper, APA format (this does not include the cover or reference page). It will consist of :
- the introduction of the cultural/diverse event
- describe the event (be sure to provide enough detail so that the reader can understand it)
- What is unique/different of the event from your culture or custom?
- What is the frequency of the event?
- What is the importance of the event?
- What did you learn about the cultural/diverse event that you did not know?
- Are there any similarities to you and your families events?
- provide a conclusion.
Please be sure to use reputable resources to complete the assignment. You should have a minimum of 4 sources .