PLEASE NUMBER AND LIST EACH QUESTION

Interview someone who is responsible for education program (Bible Study Class) at a local congregation. Write up your experience and your evaluation of the program (based on your interview and your basic research) in 3 full pages APA style paper not including title page and reference page.

You can ask these questions in any order. You can adapt them and add to them.  

1) What is your role in the education program and how long have you been in your role? 

2) Who decides what a teacher will teach? 

3) What do you require of teachers? 

4) What is your biggest challenge? 

5) How do you recruit teachers?

6) How do you avoid teacher burnout? 

7) How much time does Bible class administration take?

8) What training did you have for your work? 

9) To what extent does the church budget affect your work?

10) What are your biggest joys in your work? 

11) How has the educational program of the church changed in the last generation?

12) How has the Corona Virus affected the Bible school program and what will be different in the future?