Now that you have read Chapter 30 Drafting- you will summarize the main concepts and strategies that are essential to the drafting of an essay- as discussed in the chapter. Your purpose is to write as

Now that you have read Chapter 30 Drafting, you will summarize the main concepts and strategies that are essential to the drafting of an essay, as discussed in the chapter. Your purpose is to write as if you are teaching the content to someone who has not been introduced to it. Before you begin this assignment, review the overview of how to write an effective summary on pages 33-39.

Make sure to include the following in your summary:

  • the title of the chapter section
  • a statement and explanation of each section’s key point individually, using your own words


  • The summary needs to be between 75-100 words.
  • Do not use bullet or numbered lists in your presentation of content.
  • Use proper punctuation.
  • Be objective—do not include your own comments or reactions to what you read.
  • Maintain the same sequence of points as in the chapter.
  • Include a heading that consists of your full name, instructor’s name, course number, and date along with an appropriate title centered on the document, such as follows:

Joe Smith

Please save your assignment as a Word document (.docx) or by dragging the file inside the Attach Files box.

The Textbook is ( Richard Bullock, Bertschy, Deborah, Weinberg, Francine. The Norton Field Guide to Writing with handbook 6th edition.)