Omm640 Week 5 Discussions 1&2

  • Discussion 1: Describe how the title of a company’s ethics document affects your attitude about the content?. Do you find one title more attractive than another?
  • Describe  the message that the title  “code of conduct” conveys?. Does it reflect the purpose of the document to provide employee guidance on expected conduct?
  • Propose creative titles for ethics codes for a pharmaceutical company and a restaurant. (Gonzalez-Padron, 2015).
  • Identify two other company ethics documents and share the titles of their ethics documents (consider your own organization or one that you are familiar with for this question). 

Your response must be a minimum of 300 words.

Discussion 2:Medical Tourism has become a growing industry, especially in developing countries. Research the topic of medical tourism, and find a scholarly or credible article for your topic.  Develop a code of conduct for medical tourism. Your code of conduct must include

  • Organizational values
  • Guidelines for acceptable behavior
  • Compliance with legislation
  • Examples of prohibited acts

Your response must be a minimum of 300 words.

Use at least one scholarly or credible source