5CO01 – —Organisational Performance and Culture in Practice

Assessment Session June 22_01


Session objectives


2 3 4 5


Overview of unit


Task details and expectations


Questions and criteria expectations


Hints and tips


Next steps and submission




What will I gain from this unit?


This unit assignment explores the connections between organisational structure and the wider world of work in a commercial context. It highlights the factors and trends, including the digital environment, that impact on business strategy and workforce planning, recognising the influence of culture, employee wellbeing and behaviour in delivering change and organisational performance.




Task – Questions


Knowledge and understanding for this core unit will be assessed by written answers to ten separate questions which are detailed in the forth coming slides.


Hints and Tips:


Please review the guidance on the assessment brief and grading grid Wordcount: 4550 +/- 10%, refer to Avado and CIPD word count policy.


Questions and criteria


Task 1 – Question 1


Actions:Preparation Tips!


Question Criteria Signpost to VLC
1.Organisations differ in terms of structure, the products and/or services offered and customers.a. Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of two types of organisation structures, including the reasons underpinning them. (AC 1.1)b. Analyse connections between organisational strategy, products, services and customers. (AC 1.2) AC1.1 – Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of different types of organisation structures, including the reasons underpinning them.AC1.2 – Analyse connections between organisational strategy, products, services and customers. Week(s) 1

Hints and Tips:


Different types of structure i.e., functional, divisional, matrix, flat, include the advantages and disadvantages of your


examples with strong evaluation eg overall judgement


You MUST include ‘reasons underpinning them’ we recommend you provide a heading and then provide reasons such as


links between structure and purpose…


In order to ‘analyse connections for AC 1.2 you MUST discuss how organisational strategies are shaped by the business


and external contexts – for high grades include examples and wider reading linked to case organisation


Task – Question 2


Actions:Preparation Tips!


Question Criteria Signpost to VLC
2. All organisations are affected to some extent by external factors and trends. The impact of these factors and trends could be positive, neutral or negative, some are short-lived whilst others are long-lasting. Analyse a range of external factors and trends currently impacting organisations. Identify organisational priorities arising from the factors and trends analysed. (AC 1.3) AC1.3 Analyse external factors and trends impacting organisations to identify current organisational priorities. Week(s) 1

Hints and Tips:


Select an organisation to base your answers around (where you work or one you are familiar with)


Think about their current organisational priorities and provide some discussion around the key ones


You MUST create a PESTLE analysis which is to be placed in your appendices (and will not be included in the wordcount)


From your PESTLE you MUST select and analyse two current and ongoing factors that impact your organisation (political, economic, sociocultural, technological, legal, environmental) and analyse two current trends i.e., Brexit, Covid, New legislation….


Task – Question 3


Actions:Preparation Tips!


Question Criteria Signpost to VLC
3. The CIPD’s report Workplace Technology: the employee experience (2020:2) states, ‘the impact of the latest technology revolution on how organisations create value and on the way people work spans all industries, economies and parts of society’. Assess the scale of technology within organisations and how it impacts work. (AC1.4) AC1.4 Assess the scale of technology within organisations and how it impacts work. Week(s) 1

Hints and Tips:


Ensure you are providing an assessment (eg benefits/drawbacks), base your response on an organisation you are working


within or one you are familiar with…if you need a recommendation Google is a good organisation to base this question




Read through the CIPD’s report Workplace Technology and think about the key areas raised when providing your




Task – Question 4


Actions:Preparation Tips!


Question Criteria Signpost to VLC
4. Drawing on your reading, explain one theory or model which examines organisational culture AND interpret one theory or model which examines human behaviour. (AC 2.1) Ac 2.1 Explain theories and models which examine organisational culture and human behaviour. Week(s) 2

Hints and Tips:


You MUST provide an explanation of one theory or model which examines organisational culture., i.e. Schein, Hofstede,


Handy; Autocratic, custodial, supportive and collegial models


You MUST provide an explanation of one theory or model which examples human behaviour i.e. Management and leadership theory and how management styles impact employee behaviour. Models of human behaviour (e.g. motivation theory).


Task – Question 5


Actions:Preparation Tips!


Question Criteria Signpost to VLC
5. Assess how people practices impact on organisational culture and behaviour, drawing on examples to support your arguments. (AC 2.2) AC 2.2 Assess how people practices impact on organisational culture and behaviour. Week(s) 5

Hints and Tips:


Provide TWO examples of people practice that impacts organisational culture and behaviour; for example; people


practice’s role of ‘people champion’, setting behaviour through policy, setting behaviour through role-modelling.


Potential impact on: beliefs and values; levels of openness and trust, for example through policy development; levels of


motivation, for example linked to reward, engagement, relations and diversity and inclusion policies; attitude to and


provisions and take-up of learning/CPD, linked to L&D policies; levels of staff wellbeing, linked to overall positioning,


management and value placed on employees in the organisation


Task – Question 6


Actions:Preparation Tips!


Question Criteria Signpost to VLC
6. Many organisations have managed considerable change in recent years. CIPD’s report, People Profession 2030: a collective view of future trends (2020) identifies ‘internal change’ as a key future trend.a. Explain different approaches to managing change (AC 2.3)b. Discuss models for how change is experienced. (AC 2.4) AC 2.3 Explain different approaches to managing change.AC 2.4 Discuss models for how change is experienced. Week(s) 5

Hints and Tips:


For the first part of this question you must provide a discussion around two management change approaches / models (e.g.


Lewin’s three-step model of change; Kotter’s eight-stage model; reactive approaches, proactive approaches; planned


change, emergent change; radical, incremental change; levers for change; drivers of change).


For the second part of the question you must discuss two models of how people experience change (eg Tannenbaum and


Hanna three-stage model; Kubler-Ross adapted model: the coping cycle; Spencer and Adams’ seven-stage model; readiness


for change and resistance to change


*in order to gain higher grades for this question the markers will be looking for evidence of working examples and wider reading/research*


Task – Question 7


Actions:Preparation Tips!


Question Criteria Signpost to VLC
7. CIPD’s Good Work Index provides an annual benchmark of job quality. Data is gathered on seven dimensions of good work, including ‘health and wellbeing’. Assess the importance of wellbeing at work and factors which impact wellbeing. (AC 2.5) AC 2.5 Assess the importance of wellbeing at work and the different factors which impact wellbeing. Week(s) 2

Hints and Tips:


Ensure you include some of the following in your assessment discussions of the strengths and weaknesses, providing


judgements of why well-being is important i.e., job satisfaction, motivation, engagement, psychological contract etc


and those factors that impact well being such as; manager support, L&D, attendance, punctuality, targets, rewards,


and trust


Task – Question 8


Actions:Preparation Tips!


Question Criteria Signpost to VLC
8. Discuss the links between the employee lifecycle and different people practice roles. (AC 3.1) AC 3.1 Discuss the links between the employee lifecycle and different people practice roles. Week(s) 5

Hints and Tips:


Ensure you make explicit links between the stages of the employee lifecycle and different people practice roles


Task – Question 9


Actions:Preparation Tips!


Question Criteria Signpost to VLC
9. Analyse how people practice connects with other areas of an organisation and supports wider people and organisational strategies. (AC 3.2) AC 3.2 Analyse how people practice connects with other areas of an organisation and supports wider people and organisational strategies. Week(s) 6

Hints and Tips:


Ensure there are good links made between people practice connecting with other areas of the organisation i.e.


human resource, learning and development, Organisational development supporting wider people and


organisational strategies e.g., links between people practice and business operational functions; services provided by


an area of people practice and how they support the business


Task – Question 10


Actions:Preparation Tips!


Activity Criteria Signpost to VLC
10. People professionals provide a service to internal customers but to truly add value, people professions need to understand their customer’s needs. Discuss processes for consulting and engaging with internal customers to understand their needs. (AC 3.3) AC 3.3 Discuss processes for consulting and engaging with internal customers to understand their needs. Week (s) 6

Hints and Tips:


Include examples, which must include stakeholder liaison and monitoring and evaluation


1. Set yourself a template up in a word document and insert the questions/assessment criteria as headings


2. As you work through the learning relevant to each question/AC makes notes in your document to start to build your responses (do not worry about the wordcount etc at this point)


3. When you feel comfortable start to put your answers together as a first draft


4. Proof read and make any changes


5. Ensure you have included references to any work you have directly cited in your text – try to paraphrase as much as possible – remember you need to demonstrate YOU knowledge and understanding which copy and paste does not do (even if referenced)


6. For the higher grades – this is about quality NOT quantity, include working examples, demonstration of wider reading…try and offer different perspectives


7. Submit!!


General Support & Guidance




Understanding checkpoint


5CO01 – Further information


https://www.cipd.co.uk/knowledge/work/tech nology/workplace-technology-employee


https://www.cipd.co.uk/knowledge/work/tech nology/emerging-future-work-factsheet


https://www.cipd.co.uk/knowledge/strategy/or ganisational-development/workforce-planningfactsheet


5CO01 – Important information




Task 1: 4,550 words


What’s counted:


Included – All your own words which you’ve used to directly answer the questions.


Even if they are presented in a table


Not included – Title page, contents page, headings/subheadings, in-text citations,


reference list, bibliography and appendix


Submission file: (name your files as follows)


5CO01>your name>Cohort


Next steps:


Read the brief requirements thoroughly


Work through the learning resources on the Avado platform to gain relevant knowledge and understanding


Plan your assessment in line with your learning


Don’t leave your assessment to the last minute


Ensure you are familiar with the grading descriptors and have read through the


grading grid


Ensure you have included references where necessary


Question time

5CO01 Assessment Session