Packet Tracer to Represent an Organisation Network

Background: We are (let’s call ourselves ‘Alpha Advertising’ for privacy reasons), a small startup firm with 20-30 employees specializing in coordinated advertising across multiple platforms (newspapers, web, social media, crowd promotion..etc) for small businesses.
Our employees routinely handle customer inquiries, particularly related to online services such as capturing the details of the required advertisements and then publishing and managing advertisements on behalf of clients.
We are currently in the process of the acquisition process of our startup company by a larger firm. The IT team of the firm that are currently planning to acquire us have requested us to provide Cisco Packet tracer files of our current network.
However, our network setup is largely unorganized (and probably substandard) at the moment and the part-time consultant who had setup the network is no longer available. Besides, no one had managed the network setup for the last year or so.
So what we are planning to do is to provide two packet tracer files to our prospective buyer:
1. A packet tracer file that represents the current setup of the organization network. 2. List out any obvious issues in terms of security, reliability or performance of the current network. 3. A few pointers on improvements to address the issues above and briefly justify why we picked that path. 4. Another version of the packet tracer file with suggested improvements to the network (We don’t have to fix them in the network immediately, however, we are expected to present a plan to our buyer’s head of IT)
However – we need this ready to present by 15th January 2024 (Monday)
Existing Network:
1) The existing network lacks segmentation (which means the existing network is flat), with no distinction between users and devices.
2) Two distinct networks are operational: one dedicated to sales and marketing, and the other supporting various business functions such as customer management (housing sensitive customer data), HR, payroll, finance, and senior management information.
3) All users currently possess access to any system on both networks.
4) Each employee currently utilizes two computers, each linked to a different network. This configuration needs to be revised to assign one computer per employee.
5) The LANs for both networks connect to the internet through a firewall and router.
6) It is essential for all employees to maintain access to their emails and files, even when working remotely or outside the office.
7) The IT department consists of two interns (who doesn’t have much knowledge about network setup, but just manage the software on computers and user account creation..etc).
Expected Outcomes:
1. Produce a packet tracer file considering the overview of the existing network based on the above details (You are free to make any assumptions in order to do this as there’s no one technically savvy enough is available at the company to provide more details). a. List down any assumptions you made. b. Highlight any security, performance or reliability issues in the current network setup.
2. Recommend network controls and mitigation techniques to improve the network security posture of the existing network. a. Outlie why you have made those recommendations. b. Provide a packet tracer file with the updated network setup based on the above recommendations.