pathophysiological process, and management

Written report to develop a deep understanding and explore a cancerous disease, including the epidemiology, pathophysiological process, and management.


APA 7th formatting

Throughout the report, demonstrate to identify evidence-based sources that are credible and contemporary, published within the last 5 years.


You can answer the question and form a paragraph, no need to put the questions in report.

Lung cancer  


Epidemiology and risk factor of lung cancer in general (600 words)


Discuss the incidence and general patterns of occurrence in Australia, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.


Discuss socio-cultural factors that may contribute to the development of the disease.


Describe three (3) risk factors for this disease, including at least one (1) modifiable risk factor


Signs and symptoms linked to pathophysiological processes (600 words)


Non-small cell lung cancer 1/ Squamous cell carcinoma (25% of lung cancers), 2/ Adenocarcinoma (40% of lung cancers), 3/ Large cell carcinoma (10% of lung cancers).


Choose 1 from the 3 non-small cell lung cancer and answer the following questions.


Discuss the pathophysiological processes of the disease. In your response you should refer to dysfunctional changes at a cellular level, from the cause of the cellular DNA change to the formation cancer cells.


Integrate three (3) signs or symptoms of the disease into your pathophysiology and discuss the relationship between the disease and the dysfunctional changes at the cellular level.


Pharmacotherapeutics (500 words)


Describe two (2) drugs commonly prescribed to treat or cure the disease and provide evidence to support a rationale for choosing your drugs.

Discuss the following:

  • Mechanisms of action of Pharmacokinetics
  • Major side effects
  • Precautions relevant to clinical practice


Non-pharmacological intervention (300 words)


Discuss one (1) non-pharmacological intervention for the management or treatment of the disease and provide evidence that supports your discussion. This can be a medical treatment or a surgical procedure.

Epidemiology and risk factor of lung cancer in general (600 words)


Discuss the incidence and general patterns of occurrence in Australia, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

-gov. websites- extract stastical data and evidence, difference of incidence of occurrence between ppl in Australia and the aboriginals


Discuss socio-cultural factors that may contribute to the development of the disease.

-Age- gender- life style- buying habits- education- finances- values-religon and beliefs


Describe three (3) risk factors for this disease, including at least one (1) modifiable risk factor

-Like Smoking or alcohol habits


Signs and symptoms linked to pathophysiological processes (600 words)


Non-small cell lung cancer 1/ Squamous cell carcinoma (25% of lung cancers), 2/ Adenocarcinoma (40% of lung cancers), 3/ Large cell carcinoma (10% of lung cancers).


Choose 1 from the 3 non-small cell lung cancer and answer the following questions.


Discuss the pathophysiological processes of the disease. In your response you should refer to dysfunctional changes at a cellular level, from the cause of the cellular DNA change to the formation cancer cells. \

-how that cancer grows, cell cycle/processes, how it begins, what influences the development of that cancer (eg for skin cancer sun exposure)


Integrate three (3) signs or symptoms of the disease into your pathophysiology and discuss the relationship between the disease and the dysfunctional changes at the cellular level.

-pain, redness, tissue growth and how do they get pain, how does the skin become red


Pharmacotherapeutics (500 words)


Describe two (2) drugs commonly prescribed to treat or cure the disease and provide evidence to support a rationale for choosing your drugs.

Discuss the following:

  • Mechanisms of action of Pharmacokinetics – how drug work at a cellular level within body, how its metabolised
  • Major side effects
  • Precautions relevant to clinical practice


Non-pharmacological intervention (300 words)


Discuss one (1) non-pharmacological intervention for the management or treatment of the disease and provide evidence that supports your discussion. This can be a medical treatment or a surgical procedure.


How medication improves management and treatment of the disease.

lung cancer