Phys Lab Report


This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSection I – Report Format (5%)You can use Owl Purdue website for help with format

• to an external site. to an external site.

•Title Page with Experiment Title, physics course no/section, report date & your name

•Use APA format for this report (also use APA for graphs and tables).

•References if needed

5 ptsFull Marks

0 ptsNo Marks

5 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSection II – Abstract (10%)In your words, what was the point of the experiment?

•In paragraph form, state the experiment objective(s) and how it was tested.

•Include a brief description of the experiment

•State the results and error results.

•Why is this experiment important and what are possible applications of this experiment

10 ptsFull Marks

0 ptsNo Marks

10 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSection III – Introduction (15%)• Write a brief paragraph stating significance and objectives of the experiment.

• Narrative should prove your understanding of the physics of the experiment.

• Include explanation/derivation of equations used. All symbols must be defined.

• Narrative should prove your understanding of the physics of the experiment.

• Include explanation/derivation of equations used. All symbols must be defined.

15 ptsFull Marks

0 ptsNo Marks

15 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSection IV – Apparatus (5%)• You may include drawings of the apparatus, if possible/applicable, and a listing of equipment if
necessary. State what equipment was connected to what other piece of equipment. You may
summarize the equipment used and for what purpose.

• Do not state numerical results.

•If you include photo, go to “paste, paste special, picture metafile”

5 ptsFull Marks

0 ptsNo Marks

5 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSection V – Experimental Procedure (5%)• Write a brief narrative of the procedures followed to obtain data (summary of procedure). This may be 1-2 paragraphs in length.

• Do not copy all the detailed procedures from the manual.

• Include any problems you may have had and how you overcame them.

• Write in complete sentences and as if you are telling the reader about the process you used.

5 ptsFull Marks

0 ptsNo Marks

5 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSection VI – Data (15%)Exactly what did you measure, what data did you record?

•You may include original data sheets initialed by instructor at completion of experiment. Ask the TA if required.

•State the steps of data collection, so someone else could repeat your experiment

•Include a table only if relevant.
Example: (note set up of this table in your syllabus, and check APA guidelines for table formatting)

15 ptsFull Marks

0 ptsNo Marks

15 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSection VII – Calculations and Graphs (20%)What physics principles did you use in
this experiment?

• You should show each type of calculation with
appropriate tables, graphs, numerical results and

• All tables/graphs must be referenced and labeled properly.

•All symbols must be defined. Units must be included.

•Graph Example (in syllabus): note set up of graph, and check APA guideless for graph formatting

20 ptsFull Marks

0 ptsNo Marks

20 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSection VIII – Discussion of Results and Error Analysis (20%)What approximations or assumptions did you make in your analysis?

How did these approximations or assumptions affect your calculations or results?

• Include statements of how the experiment could
be improved.

• When discussing error, make sure to draw from the following calculations to give quantitative
results: Use appropriate error calculations for your experiment.

• The questions from your lab manual may help you with a better analysis and to support your
discussion of the results.

20 ptsFull Marks

0 ptsNo Marks

20 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSection IX—Conclusion (5%)What do your results mean?
Explain your understanding and importance of the physics principles you explored in this experiment.

• How can errors be reduced?

• Is the method sufficiently precise and accurate?