POLS 6250 Org Theory and Mgmt  

Case Study 1: Rescuing Search and Rescue 

Assignment description

The purpose of this assignment is for students to demonstrate their knowledge by applying course concepts to a case study of a public organization in the form of a written essay. In this case study, you will analyze a scenario involving a volunteer search and rescue organization.



  1. Read the case study provided on D2L, “Rescuing Search and Rescue”
  2. In an essay, answer the following prompt: Using concepts from Chapters 3, 4, and 5 of the Bolman and Deal textbook, analyze the structural factors that led to the split in search and rescue organizations in Utah County, including the effect of these factors on organizational performance.
  3. Some hints to help you get started, but don’t include any lists in the essay.
    1. Hint 1: you may want to make a list or map of the people and groups in the Jeep Patrol organization to help identify structural factors or tensions
    2. Hint 2: make a list of the issues going on in the organization and how they affect their goals and outcomes, then connect the issues to concepts from the readings
    3. Note: you DO NOT need to summarize the case study. Focus on answering the prompt.
  4. Make sure your essay meets the following requirements:
    1. Length: 3-4 full pages double spaced with a standard 12-pt font
    2. Citations: use whatever style you prefer, but make sure to include in-text citations anytime you quote or use ideas from the article or the textbook. If you are unsure of what style to use, I recommend APA.



The assignment will be out of 100 points. Grading will be based on the following criteria:


A: 90-100 points. All required components of the assignment are included. Essay is supported by information and examples from the case study and concepts from required readings, with explanations of concepts and how they apply. Essay is clear, easy to follow, and provides thorough answers to the question/prompt. Overall, very high quality work.


B: 80-89 points. All required components of the assignment are included. Essay is mostly supported by case study and required readings. Essay is mostly clear and easy to follow, but answers to question/prompt need more depth and support or more references to course concepts.


C: 70-79 points. One component may be missing or some components may not receive enough attention. Some support from case study or readings is included. Essay is sometimes unclear and hard to follow and answers to question/prompt are lacking in detail and support.


D: 60-69 points. Two components missing or barely addressed. Support from case study and readings is minimal. Essay is unclear, difficult to follow, and answers to question/prompt are minimal or irrelevant. Few, if any, references or explanations of course concepts.


F: below 60 points. More than two components missing or barely addressed or essay is off topic. Little references to the readings, if at all. Essay is unclear, unreadable, and question/prompt is not addressed.


Citing the Case Study:

This case study is available for educational use through resources provided to program members by NASPAA, of which the MPA Program at Clayton State is a member.

To cite the case study in APA format, for example:

Hill, M., & Page, S. (2015). Rescuing Search and Rescue: A volunteer rescue organization’s struggle with internal tension and the path to organizational competency. Publicases. Network of Schools of Public Policy, Affairs, and Administration. https://www.publicases.org/case/rescuing-search-and-rescue-a-volunteer-rescue-organizations-struggle-with-internal-tension-and-the-path-to-organizational-competency/