Principles of Accounting

Find a recent (within the last two calendar or fiscal year ends, depending upon the respective financial year end of your chosen company) Annual Report from a publicly-listed multinational company of your choice and personal interest that mentions that the firm has been affected by foreign currency translation and/or transactions. Either in the reported earnings (firms generally will always mention any significant favorable or unfavorable impact of changes in exchange rates on their most recent reported earnings in the Business Section of their Annual Reports) or some other important aspect of the firm’s recent business performance.

Generally, you can find the Annual Report in the Investor Relations portion of the company’s website.

Include in your posting as an attachment a copy of the Annual Report which you chose to use to answer the requirements for this Discussion.

Then, describe in your own words what must have occurred regarding the impact of foreign currency translation and foreign currency transactions on your chosen company’s income balance sheet and income statement, respectively, during the period you are analyzing by answering the following questions:

  1. Overall, did the US dollar strengthen or weaken during the reporting period(s) for your chosen company? How did the change in the value of the US dollar impact reported revenues and profits for your chosen company?
  2. How did the change in the value of the US dollar impact the Accumulated Translation Adjustments account included in the Statement of (Other) Comprehensive Income and therefore Stockholders’ Equity during the reporting period?
  3. Did your chosen firm have any reported foreign exchange translation and/or transaction gains or losses during the reporting period? If they did, what does that mean with regard to the movement(s) of foreign exchange currency rates during the respective reporting period?
  4. Are there any other important or unusual items on the Income Statement or the Statement of (Other) Comprehensive Income for the reporting period related to foreign currency translation? If so, what do they mean in plain English?

Cut and paste into your initial response what the company disclosed about the impact of foreign currency translation and/or transactions on the company’s results as you answer the above questions. Also, in your initial response, show any Accumulated Translation Adjustments included in the Stockholders’ Equity section of the most recent balance sheet or on the Statement of (Other) Comprehensive Income. And, if significant, include any line item disclosure on the Income Statement of any foreign currency-related gains or losses reported during the period.

In your initial response, ensure you incorporate relevant real-life scenarios and/or academic debates and include in bold the above questions you are answering. Also include two scholarly references not older than 5 years and no AI content please.