Programming assignment

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Template: V5
Date for Submission: Please refer to the timetable on ilearn
(The submission portal on ilearn will close at 14:00 UK time
on the date of submission)
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Assignment Brief
As part of the formal assessment for the programme you are required to submit a
Programming assignment. Please refer to your Student Handbook for full details of
the programme assessment scheme and general information on preparing and
submitting assignments.
Learning Outcomes:
After completing the module, you should be able to:
1. Identify simple algorithms in an Object-Oriented language; along with
apply simple testing and debugging techniques in program
2. Design systems specifications using object-oriented modelling
techniques; and apply these using an appropriate computer assisted
software engineering (CASE) tools.
3. Use appropriate techniques to apply inheritance in the design and
implementation of classes; along with aggregation techniques.
4. Design and implement solutions to a small number of applications that
consist of a limited number of classes within an Object-Oriented
5. Formulate solutions to simple programming problems
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including without limitation electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written consent of Arden University. To find out more about
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Your assignment should include: a title page containing your student number, the
module name, the submission deadline and the exact word count of your submitted
document; the appendices if relevant; and a reference list in AU Harvard system.
You should address all the elements of the assignment task listed below. Please
note that tutors will use the assessment criteria set out below in assessing your work.
You must not include your name in your submission because Arden University
operates anonymous marking, which means that markers should not be aware of the
identity of the student. However, please do not forget to include your STU number.
Maximum word count: 4000 words
Please refer to the full word count policy which can be found in the Student Policies
section here: Arden University | Regulatory Framework
Please note the following:
Students are required to indicate the exact word count on the title page of the
The word count includes everything in the main body of the assessment (including in
text citations and references). The word count excludes numerical data in tables,
figures, diagrams, footnotes, reference list and appendices. ALL other printed
words ARE included in the word count.
Please note that exceeding the word count by over 10% will result in a 10-percentage
point deduction.
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Assignment Task
This assignment is aimed at allowing you to demonstrate a holistic set of skills in objectoriented programming and systems engineering as required for the design and
implementation of real-world Internet applications. This includes the adoption of UMLbased systems design concepts and Java-based coding techniques ensuring professional
software development. You are required to complete a portfolio of tasks related to a
specific case study described below. These tasks constitute a comprehensive design of
an electronic system to support the core system’s functionality. Consider yourself a senior
software engineer delivering this assignment as a stand-alone project for your
Case study
Walking & Boarding is a start-up business that initially started as a dog-walking
business and is growing in leaps and bounds. The founder based on input from
their dog-walkers decided to start an online operation to connect stressed and busy
dog owners with retired and other people with spare time on their hands to take
care of their dogs during the day or board overnight.
They also provide beach adventure days for the more active hounds who are
comfortable with travelling longer distances and have brilliant recall. The beach
adventure day is a 3-4 hour long beach walk including plenty of play time, swimming
and exploring old ship wrecks; a new and exciting environment for busy noses.
Gourmet chicken lunch is included. The cost of each beach adventure day is £50 for
each dog. Dog owners receive one free adventure day for their dog if they have
booked six adventure days.
Walking & Boarding is a nationwide business. The business is online only. They
however do have a customer support which comprises of a team of one manager
and five customer service consultants. The role of customer support is to analyse
feedback, process complaints, refunds and also manage memberships for dog
owners and dog walkers/boarders.
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including without limitation electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written consent of Arden University. To find out more about
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Below is the process of how the range of services work.
The dog owner registers on the website and specifies the following information:
• Their name, address, email and mobile number
• The number of dog(s), type, sex and age of each dog to be walked
• Days and times when dog walking is needed
• Frequency (one-off, weekly, daily, multiple walks per day)
• Expected duration and/or length of each walk
• Any medical issues with the dog(s)
• Additional information (local parks, fields, cycleways etc. to be used)
The owner will then be issued with a unique membership number (such as
Owner1234) and a unique ‘job posting’ number (such as Job4321). Each job
posting requires a payment of £10. Their personal data is never shared but details
of the dog(s) and walking times/preferences are freely available to potential dog
walkers and dog minders.
Potential dog walkers/carers/boarders must also register the following data:
• Their name, address, email and mobile number
• Days and times available to walk dogs
• Days and times available to care/board dogs
• Preferred frequency (one-off, weekly, daily, multiple walks per day)
• Limitations (breeds they will not walk, or medical issues they cannot
• Dog walking experience
• Hourly/Daily rate
Once registered and vetted, each ‘walker/boarder/carer’ is also allocated a
membership number (such as Walker2345) and they can see all posted jobs for
free (but not the owners’ personal data). If they see a job they are interested in,
they tick a box on the website and their details (membership number, hourly fee
and experience, but not contact details) are emailed to that owner. So, both parties
are connected but cannot communicate – yet.
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It is then down to the owner to decide if they want to offer the job to that walker. If
they reject the offer, they can request up to another three ‘offers’ from other
If they refuse all four offers, they must pay a ‘re-posting’ fee of £8. If they accept
the offer, the website connects the walker and owner (sharing names and contact
data) and the company takes 20% from the dog-walker/dog-minder as ‘introduction’
fee for each job that is completed. For example if a dog walker is paid £10 for
walking a dog for 30 minutes, Walking & Boarding will receive £2.
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Answer the following questions.
Task 1
Draw a UML Class diagram and object diagram to capture the classes/objects, class
hierarchy and relationships between the classes for the system described in the casestudy. Make sure to specify multiplicities for all the relationships shown in your
(20 marks)
Task 2
Implement the class diagram you have created for the case-study in Java. Add
appropriate methods to initialize and read the instance variables in the classes. Test
your code by printing the variables and sample values.
(20 marks)
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including without limitation electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written consent of Arden University. To find out more about
the use and distribution of programme materials please see the Arden Student Terms and Conditions.
Task 3
a. Create a Java menu based program to demonstrate the following
1. Registering as a dog owner
2. Registering as a dog walker/minder
3. Sign-in/Sign-out
4. Posting a job by the dog owner
5. Posting an offer to take a job by a dog walker/minder
6. Booking an adventure day by the dog owner for their dog
The program on execution should display the menu as listed above, the user
should select an option (input a value). Demonstrate the working of the program
by choosing various options (the final output should demonstrate the output for all
the methods) and printing sample output for each as mentioned below.
Option1: Their name, address, email and mobile number. Example: Ms.
AB; 31, City Centre, New Town, UK;; 1234567890
Option 2: Their name, address, email, mobile number, services provided
and fee for each.
Option 3: Dog’s details and service required (walking, day care etc)
Option 4: Accept and offer to walk/care by replying ‘Hello Ms. AB, I would
be happy to accept the job posted’
Option 5: Date of adventure day, dog owners details and dog details.
Write suitable methods in the Java classes created in Task 2 to demonstrate the
selection and execution of each option.
(30 marks)
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the use and distribution of programme materials please see the Arden Student Terms and Conditions.
b. Using the class containing the method for option 4 as a base class, extend
it to demonstrate inheritance. Write the Java code for this base class and up
to three derived classes and implement this hierarchy in Java. Test your
classes by printing the inherited variables and any calculations conducted in
the methods both in the base class and the derived classes.
(15 marks)
c. For this assignment consider the database to be text files. In these text files,
create records for a minimum of five dog walkers and three dog owners.
Example: Assume dog owner ‘A’ books dog walker ‘Joe Smith’ for a 30 minute walk
on Monday for £12 and dog walker ‘Aaron Bloggs’ for a 45 minute walk on
Wednesday for their dog for £30. Implement the calculation of the total amount
payable by ‘A’ to the dog walkers and what is the amount received by Walking
and Caring. Demonstrate this calculation functionality as an abstract method. Test
your code by printing the calculation and resulting values.
(15 marks)
(LO3, LO4, LO5)
Task 3 (60 marks)
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including without limitation electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written consent of Arden University. To find out more about
the use and distribution of programme materials please see the Arden Student Terms and Conditions.
Additional instructions
– Responses to all the tasks, including UML diagrams and examples of Java code
must be put together and submitted as a single Word document.
– Each task involving UML diagrams must be accompanied by a brief critical
discussion with references to relevant literature (up to 250 words per task).
– Each example of Java code must be properly documented using comments.
– Screenshot evidence of execution must be included for each example of Java
– Screenshot of the sample output for each Java program must be included
– A plain-text copy of the Java code must also be appended
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including without limitation electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written consent of Arden University. To find out more about
the use and distribution of programme materials please see the Arden Student Terms and Conditions.
Formative Feedback
You have the opportunity to submit a draft to receive formative feedback.
The feedback is designed to help you develop areas of your work and it helps you
develop your skills as an independent learner.
If you are a distance learning student, you should submit your work, by email, to your
tutor, no later than 2 weeks before the actual submission deadline. If you are a blended
learning student, your tutor will give you a deadline for formative feedback and further
Formative feedback will not be given to work submitted after the above date or the date
specified by your tutor – if a blended learning student.
Referencing Guidance
You MUST underpin your analysis and evaluation of the key issues with appropriate
and wide ranging academic research and ensure this is referenced using the AU
Harvard system.
Follow this link to find the referencing guides for your subject: Arden Library
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including without limitation electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written consent of Arden University. To find out more about
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Submission Guidance
Assignments submitted late will not be accepted and will be marked as a 0% fail.
Your assessment can be submitted as a single Word (MS Word) or PDF file, or, as
multiple files.
If you chose to submit multiple files, you must name each document as the question/part
you are answering along with your student number ie Q1 Section A STUXXXX. If you
wish to overwrite your submission or one of your submissions, you must ensure
that your new submission is named exactly the same as the previous in order for
the system to overwrite it.
You must ensure that the submitted assignment is all your own work and that all
sources used are correctly attributed. Penalties apply to assignments which show
evidence of academic unfair practice. (See the Student Handbook which is available
on the A-Z key information on iLearn.)
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please see the Arden Student Terms and Conditions.
Marking Rubric
Criteria and
Outstanding Excellent Very Good Good Pass Poor Fail
80% – 100% 70% – 79% 60% – 69% 50% – 59% 40% – 49% 30 – 39% 0 – 29%
Task 1
An exemplary
presentation and
implementation using
requested UML Class
and object diagrams
for complex
systems e.g. given
case-study etc and
justified using a highly
relevant literature
Develop a diagram
that demonstrates all
the advanced
relationships such as
hierarchy, abstraction,
composition that are
evident in the casestudy. The cardinality
is mentioned correctly.
The diagram should
demonstrate , a high
level of complexity,
criticality, synthesis
and original thought.
An exemplary
explanation that is free
from errors is
An Excellent
presentation and
implementation using
requested UML Class
and object diagrams
for complex systems
e.g. given case-study
etc and justified using
a excellent relevant
literature base. An
excellent presentation
that is free from
errors. Advanced
concepts such as
relationships and
cardinality between
the classes are
mentioned with minor
A good presentation
and implementation
using requested UML
Class and object
diagrams for complex
systems e.g. given
case-study etc and
justified using
relevant literature
base. Some of the
relationships might be
missing or the
cardinality might be
missing. A wideranging use of
relevant literature,
though there are
some minor issues. A
very good
presentation, which is
clear and mostly free
from errors.
A satisfactory
presentation and
using requested
Class and object
UML diagrams for
complex systems
e.g. given casestudy etc and
justified using
some relevant
literature base.
relationships and
cardinality might be
slightly wrong. A
presentation of
academic as well
as professional
skills. Good use of
relevant and valid
referenced, with
some scope for
more depth and a
good presentation
though there are
some issues that
need to be
Some relevant
concepts are
presented in terms
of Unified Modelling
Language (UML)
for class and object
relationships such
as hierarchy etc
might not be
Cardinality might be
missing. Develop
some diagrams,
some level of
critical analysis.
There is a lack of
depth and
relevance. Some
inclusion of
relevant sources
with scope for more
and a basic
presentation which
needs further
There is limited/no
discussion relevant to
Unified Modelling
Language (UML). The
student developed
some/no diagrams
which do not depict
all the classes or
there might be 2 -3
classes which might
not be clearly
described. No object
or incorrect diagram.
There are significant
omissions or a
significant lack of
depth of content and
discussion. There are
significant issues with
the presentation of
the document and
limited use of valid
A very limited or
wholly absent level
of design.
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in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or means, including without limitation electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written consent of Arden University. To find out more about the use and distribution of programme materials
please see the Arden Student Terms and Conditions.
Criteria and
Outstanding Excellent Very Good Good Pass Poor Fail
80% – 100% 70% – 79% 60% – 69% 50% – 59% 40% – 49% 30 – 39% 0 – 29%
Task 2
An outstanding level of
documentation, which
addresses all aspects
of the problem
Demonstrates a
practitioner level of
understanding of
coding in Java. The
execution of the
program is evidenced
via screenshots and
the output as required
by the task is
obtained, proof of
which is included in
the document. A
complete copy of the
program in text is
appended at the end
of the document.
An excellent level of
documentation, which
addresses all aspects
of the problem
Demonstrates an
excellent level of
understanding of
coding in Java.
Evidence of testing
the code is included.
Copy of the code in
plain text included in
the appendix.
A very good level of
documentation, which
addresses most
aspects of the
problem specification.
Demonstrates an very
good level of
understanding of
coding in Java. The
code developed
should not have any
errors. Evidence of
testing the code is
included. Copy of
code included in the
A good level of
documentation and
design, which
addresses some
aspects of the
specification but
there is scope for
more depth and/or
there are some
errors or omissions
but the code
Demonstrates a
good level of
understanding of
coding in Java.
Evidence of testing
the code is
A basic level of
which addresses
some aspects of
the problem
specification but
there is scope for
much more depth
and/or there are a
number of errors or
Demonstrates a
basic level of
understanding of
coding in Java but
code executes
without errors and
evidence of testing
is included.
An insufficient level of
documentation and
design, which
addresses limited
aspects of the
problem specification.
Demonstrates a
insufficient level of
understanding of
coding, the code does
not execute and there
is no proof of testing
A very limited or
wholly absent level
of documentation
and code with lots
of errors or code
which does not
answer the task
There is no testing
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Arden University © reserves all rights of copyright and all other intellectual property rights in the learning materials and this publication. No part of any of the learning materials or this publication may be reproduced, shared (including in private social media groups), stored
in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or means, including without limitation electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written consent of Arden University. To find out more about the use and distribution of programme materials
please see the Arden Student Terms and Conditions.
Criteria and
Outstanding Excellent Very Good Good Pass Poor Fail
80% – 100% 70% – 79% 60% – 69% 50% – 59% 40% – 49% 30 – 39% 0 – 29%
Task 3a
An outstanding level of
documentation, which
addresses all aspects
of the problem
Demonstrates a
practitioner level of
understanding of
coding in Java. The
execution of the
program is evidenced
via screenshots and
the output as required
by the task is
obtained, proof of
which is included in
the document. A
complete copy of the
program in text is
appended at the end
of the document.
An excellent level of
documentation, which
addresses all aspects
of the problem
Demonstrates an
excellent level of
understanding of
coding in Java.
Evidence of testing
the code is included.
Copy of the code in
plain text included in
the appendix.
A very good level of
documentation, which
addresses most
aspects of the
problem specification.
Demonstrates an very
good level of
understanding of
coding in Java. The
code developed
should not have any
errors. Evidence of
testing the code is
included. Copy of
code included in the
A good level of
documentation and
design, which
addresses some
aspects of the
specification but
there is scope for
more depth and/or
there are some
errors or omissions
but the code
Demonstrates a
good level of
understanding of
coding in Java.
Evidence of testing
the code is
A basic level of
which addresses
some aspects of
the problem
specification but
there is scope for
much more depth
and/or there are a
number of errors or
Demonstrates a
basic level of
understanding of
coding in Java but
code executes
without errors and
evidence of testing
is included.
An insufficient level of
documentation and
design, which
addresses limited
aspects of the
problem specification.
Demonstrates a
insufficient level of
understanding of
coding, the code does
not execute and there
is no proof of testing
A very limited or
wholly absent level
of documentation
and code with lots
of errors or code
which does not
answer the task
There is no testing
Page 17 of 18
Arden University © reserves all rights of copyright and all other intellectual property rights in the learning materials and this publication. No part of any of the learning materials or this publication may be reproduced, shared (including in private social media groups), stored
in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or means, including without limitation electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written consent of Arden University. To find out more about the use and distribution of programme materials
please see the Arden Student Terms and Conditions.
Criteria and
Outstanding Excellent Very Good Good Pass Poor Fail
80% – 100% 70% – 79% 60% – 69% 50% – 59% 40% – 49% 30 – 39% 0 – 29%
Task 3b
An outstanding level of
documentation, which
addresses all aspects
of the problem
Demonstrates a
practitioner level of
understanding of
coding in Java. The
execution of the
program is evidenced
via screenshots and
the output as required
by the task is
obtained, proof of
which is included in
the document. A
complete copy of the
program in text is
appended at the end
of the document.
An excellent level of
documentation, which
addresses all aspects
of the problem
Demonstrates an
excellent level of
understanding of
coding in Java.
Evidence of testing
the code is included.
Copy of the code in
plain text included in
the appendix.
A very good level of
documentation, which
addresses most
aspects of the
problem specification.
Demonstrates an very
good level of
understanding of
coding in Java. The
code developed
should not have any
errors. Evidence of
testing the code is
included. Copy of
code included in the
A good level of
documentation and
design, which
addresses some
aspects of the
specification but
there is scope for
more depth and/or
there are some
errors or omissions
but the code
Demonstrates a
good level of
understanding of
coding in Java.
Evidence of testing
the code is
A basic level of
which addresses
some aspects of
the problem
specification but
there is scope for
much more depth
and/or there are a
number of errors or
Demonstrates a
basic level of
understanding of
coding in Java but
code executes
without errors and
evidence of testing
is included.
An insufficient level of
documentation and
design, which
addresses limited
aspects of the
problem specification.
Demonstrates a
insufficient level of
understanding of
coding, the code does
not execute and there
is no proof of testing
A very limited or
wholly absent level
of documentation
and code with lots
of errors or code
which does not
answer the task
There is no testing
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Arden University © reserves all rights of copyright and all other intellectual property rights in the learning materials and this publication. No part of any of the learning materials or this publication may be reproduced, shared (including in private social media groups), stored
in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or means, including without limitation electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written consent of Arden University. To find out more about the use and distribution of programme materials
please see the Arden Student Terms and Conditions.
Criteria and
Outstanding Excellent Very Good Good Pass Poor Fail
80% – 100% 70% – 79% 60% – 69% 50% – 59% 40% – 49% 30 – 39% 0 – 29%
Task 3c
An outstanding level of
documentation, which
addresses all aspects
of the problem
Demonstrates a
practitioner level of
understanding of
coding in Java. The
execution of the
program is evidenced
via screenshots and
the output as required
by the task is
obtained, proof of
which is included in
the document. A
complete copy of the
program in text is
appended at the end
of the document.
An excellent level of
documentation, which
addresses all aspects
of the problem
Demonstrates an
excellent level of
understanding of
coding in Java.
Evidence of testing
the code is included.
Copy of the code in
plain text included in
the appendix.
A very good level of
documentation, which
addresses most
aspects of the
problem specification.
Demonstrates an very
good level of
understanding of
coding in Java. The
code developed
should not have any
errors. Evidence of
testing the code is
included. Copy of
code included in the
A good level of
documentation and
design, which
addresses some
aspects of the
specification but
there is scope for
more depth and/or
there are some
errors or omissions
but the code
Demonstrates a
good level of
understanding of
coding in Java.
Evidence of testing
the code is
A basic level of
which addresses
some aspects of
the problem
specification but
there is scope for
much more depth
and/or there are a
number of errors or
Demonstrates a
basic level of
understanding of
coding in Java but
code executes
without errors and
evidence of testing
is included.
An insufficient level of
documentation and
design, which
addresses limited
aspects of the
problem specification.
Demonstrates a
insufficient level of
understanding of
coding, the code does
not execute and there
is no proof of testing
A very limited or
wholly absent level
of documentation
and code with lots
of errors or code
which does not
answer the task
There is no testing
