NOTE: You can form a team of up to 2 students to work on the development of the project. However,
the project report must be done individually. Please see the details in the following project description.
Project Objectives
1. Mastering socket based networking application development
2. Understanding functionalities of various networking devices such as bridges/switches and routers
3. Understanding how packets are forwarded in networks
4. Experiencing team software development
5. Writing research-style papers
Project Description
This project consists of two components. In the first component of the project, you will develop a network
emulator (as a group). In the second component of the project, you will write a research-style report on the
design, development, and evaluation/illustration of the network emulator. This project is worth 25% of the
total weight, where component 1 is worth 20% (development of the network emulator), and component 2 is
worth 5% (research-style report)
Project Component 1 Description
In this project, you need to implement a network emulator. In the following, we will first highlight the
computer network model used in this project, we then describe in detail how the components of the computer
network should be implemented in software.
1. Network model overview
2. Network emulation
3. Network components
4. Project executable code and template
5. Grading policy
Section I: Network model overview
We consider broadcast Ethernet LANs, where stations (and routers)in a LAN are attached to a shared
broadcast physical medium. In such a LAN network, a packet sent from any one station is broadcasted to and
received by all the other stations in the same LAN
We consider a star-wired LAN topology where each station is directly connected to a common central node,
called a transparent bridge or simply bridge (or switch). Each station is connected to the bridge through one
of the bridge’s ports, thus a bridge with n ports can connect n stations in total. When a bridge is first plugged,
it broadcasts an Ethernet data frame it receives from one station (via one of its ports) to all the other stations
attached to it, i.e., by re-transmitting the frame through all the ports except the one from which it receives the
frame. This enables every station to hear the transmission from any other station connected to the bridge.
Each frame has a frame header that includes the source and destination (next-hop) MAC addresses. Through
self learning, the bridge gradually learns the location of the stations on the LAN and only forwards the frame
to the necessary segment of the LAN. A station (and router) should accept a data frame sent by another
station that is addressed to it (i.e., the destination MAC address is the address of the station or it is a
broadcast MAC address). A station discards any data frames that are not addressed to it. In this project,
bridges do not need to support the spanning tree algorithm.
IP routers interconnect LANs to form an IP internetwork. Any pair of stations in this IP network can
communicate with each other using the Internet Protocol. Stations (or more precisely, the interfaces through
which they are attached to the LANs) are assigned globally unique IP addresses. A station can transmit an IP
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packet to another station. Before it transmits the packet, it needs to add an IP packet header. The two most
important fields in the header are source IP address and destination IP address. IP uses a table-driven, hop-byhop datagram delivery model. Routers (and in the very first hop, stations) are responsible for delivering IP
packets to their next-hops towards the destination. This hop-by-hop packet forwarding is based on some
forwarding table at the stations and routers. A station should accept an IP packet sent by another station that
is addressed to it (i.e., the destination IP address is the address of the station). A station discards any other
packets that are not addressed to it. In contrast, a router should forward to the next hop an IP packet whose
destination IP address is not an IP address associated with the router.
Figure 1 presents a simple IP network, where we have three LANs, realized through three bridges, Bridge 1,
2, 3, respectively. Router 1 interconnects LAN 1 and LAN 2, while Router 2 interconnects LAN 2 and LAN
3. On LAN 1, we have two stations, Station A and Station B. LAN 2 and LAN 3 have a single station, Station
C and Station D, respectively. In this configuration, Station A and Station B can communicate with each other
directly through Bridge 1. When Station A sends a message to Station C, Router 1 will forward this message
from LAN1 (Bridge 1) to LAN2 (Bridge 2) by consulting its routing table. Similarly, when Station A tries to
send a message to Station D, Router 1 will forward it from LAN1 to LAN2, and Router 2 will forward it
from LAN2 to LAN3 based on the packet destination IP address, i.e., the IP address of Station D.
Figure 1: A simple network topology
Section II: Computer network emulation
Now let us see how we can implement the above networking concepts, elements, and functionalities in
software, including physical links, stations, bridges, and routers. Simply put, we will use TCP socket
connection to emulate physical links, and all the stations, bridges, and routers are implemented in software.
The network emulator will be implemented using the client-server socket programming paradigm. In the
network emulator, a bridge is implemented as a server and stations (routers) attached to it as clients. The
physical links between the bridge and a station will be emulated by a connection-oriented TCP socket
connection. In the client-server paradigm, a client needs to know the address of the server for establishing a
connection. For this purpose, each bridge has a command line argument: the name of the LAN lan-name.
Each LAN has one single bridge, so lan-name uniquely identifies a LAN, and consequently, the bridge. Each
station and router also has a command line argument that includes the lan-name, from which the station and
router know to which bridge they should connect (see details in the next section).
Once a bridge is ready to listen as a TCP socket server, it stores its IP address and the port number by
creating two files (or symbolic links) in its directory (assumed that both bridge and station are invoked from
the same directory which shared across all the machines in the emulation) namely .lan-name.addr and .lanname.port. Given a lan-name, a station, by reading these two files, knows the complete socket address of the
bridge. Note that this is just one way of sharing information between a server and a client; you can implement
this in other ways.
In this project, the forwarding table in a station or router is populated from some hard-coded configuration
Section III: Network components
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As discussed above, our network model consists of three components, bridge, station and router. The
program interface and the basic functionalities for each of these components are described below.
Program Interface
A bridge takes two command line arguments lan-nameand num-ports. We have already
explained the role of lan-name. A bridge has to make sure that there is no other bridge already
existing for the same lan-name. The argument num-ports specifies the maximum number of
stations (and routers) that can be attached to it. So a bridge has to keep track of the number of
stations currently connected to it and accept a connect request only if that number is less than
usage : bridge lan-name num-ports
When a bridge first starts, it needs to create a TCP socket, and two symbolic link files to store
the IP address of the machine on which it is running and the port number associated with the
socket. Note that, the IP address stored in the symbolic file is the real IP address of the machine
on which the bridge is running. Then the bridge waits for connection set-up request from a
station (or router). A separate socket connection needs to be established for each connection
setup request (i.e., for each station). If a connection can be established, the bridge should return
the string “accept”. If the connection cannot be established because, for example, there are
already num-ports connections, the string “reject” should be returned, and the TCP socket
connection should be closed.
When a bridge receives a data frame on one port, it needs to broadcast the frame to all the other
ports, if it does not know which port the corresponding destination MAC address in the data
frame is associated with. When the bridge receives a data frame from a port, it also needs to
check if the mapping between the (incoming) port and the corresponding source MAC address is
already in one of its database (some data structure). If the mapping is not in the database yet, the
bridge stores the mapping. This is the so-called self-learning process. Through this process, the
bridge gradually learns which port is associated with which MAC address (station). The mapping
should be removed from the database if the corresponding station/router is not active for a fixed
period of time.
Moreover, a station may need to attach to the bridge at any time (as long as there is a port
available at the bridge). A bridge must wait for possible connection request from a client in
addition to performing the data frame forwarding function. In other words, the bridge must
monitor several events (connection setup request and data frame arrival on established ports) that
can occur at the same time. In order to achieve this I/O multiplexing, you may want to use the
select() function.
Program interface
A station takes three arguments, interface, routingtable, and hostname. All of them are file
names. The file hostname contains the mapping between host (interface) names and IP addresses.
For example, the following is an example line taken from a hostname file,
which states that station A’s IP address is This provides some similar
functionality of DNS name lookup service. All stations and routers use a common hostname file.
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The file interface contains the (NIC card) interface information of the station. The following is
an example line taken from an interface file,
A 00:00:0C:04:52:27 cs1
which states that, the (station) interface name is A, its corresponding IP address is,
and the network mask is The fourth field is the Ethernet address of the NIC card.
The last field is the name of the LAN (bridge) that the (station) interface is connected to.
The file routingtable contains the forwarding table that the station will use when it sends a
message to another station. One example of this file’s content is, A A
The first column is the destination network prefix, the second one is the next hop IP address, the
third the network mask, and the last is the network interface through which the next hop can be
reached. If the second column is, the packet is destined to a machine on the same LAN. If
the first column is, the corresponding row is the default entry and the corresponding
second column is the default router. In the example, is the default router.
usage: station -no interface routingtable hostname
where -no specifies that this is a station instead of a router. (Stations and routers are implemented
in the same source file in the demo code, as they have very similar functionalities, except that
routers forward packets that are not destined to them, while stations do not.)
When a station first starts, it needs to load in the three files and initialize the corresponding data
structures to hold the information. In particular, it needs to load the hostname file and store the
name and IP address mapping in a data structure. Later when end users wants to send a message
to another station (using station name), this mapping table will be consulted to find out the
corresponding destination IP address. It needs to load the routingtable file and store the routing
table in a data structure. This routing table will be consulted when a packet needs to be
forwarded. It needs to load the interface file and store the interface information in a data
After loading in the interface file, the station needs to connect to all the LANs (i.e., the
corresponding bridges) specified in the interface file. Note that a station can connect to multiple
LANs. The station first needs to read the corresponding symbolic link files to find out the IP
addresses and the port number associated with a bridge. Then the station initializes a TCP socket
connection to the corresponding bridge. After the TCP socket connection is established, it needs
to read the return string from the server (the bridge). As mentioned above, if the return string is
“accept”, the station knows that the station has been successfully plugged to the bridge.
Otherwise, the connection was rejected by the bridge (no ports left on the bridge).
Note that you should not let the station wait for the reply from the bridge forever. Instead, you
should use non-blocking reading on the socket connection. A station should try to read from the
socket connection for a preset number of times (for example, 5 times). After all tries fail, the
station declares that the connection is rejected by the bridge (similar to the effect of having
received the return string “reject”). The waiting time between retries is also preset (for example,
2 seconds). You can use the system call fcntl() to change the properties of the socket (blocking,
nonblocking etc). You should store the old properties of the socket before you change to
nonblocking mode. Later you need to restore the old properties of the socket.
After the connection has been successfully established, a station needs to perform the following
three tasks. (1) It sends out messages typed in by end users from keyboard, (2) it accepts
messages addressed to this station by displaying the messages it receives and the name of the
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station sending the messages, and (3) it handles the control messages such as ARP. A packet may
traverse many hops before reaching the destination. At each hop (either a station or router), we
need to determine which router (or station) is the next hop based on the destination IP address
and the local routing table.
In this network emulator, a station needs to support two layers: IP layer and MAC layer. In
particular, when a station sends out a message typed in by end user, it needs to encapsulate the
message in an IP packet (adding an IP packet header). The IP layer needs to consult the
forwarding table to determine the next-hop IP address. Before the IP layer passes the packet to
the MAC layer, the IP layer needs to identify the MAC address of the next-hop router (or the
final destination if on the same LAN). Recall that the MAC layer (or rather the Ethernet
card/interface) does not understand IP addresses. Mapping from IP address to MAC address is
done using the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP). Below we describe ARP briefly. Please refer
to the textbook and online materials for a detailed description of ARP.
Simply put, the ARP protocol is used to identify the MAC address associated with an IP address.
Each station (router) maintains an ARP cache, which contains the mapping between MAC
address and IP address. When the station needs to send an IP packet, it consults this table to look
for the MAC address of the corresponding next-hop IP address. If the mapping is in the table, the
MAC address is taken and passed to the MAC layer by the IP layer, together with the IP packet
and the corresponding socket id (recall that from the forwarding table we know through which
interface the packet should be sent, and from the interface, we know the corresponding socket
id). The MAC layer forms the data frame by adding the MAC header to the IP packet and then
send out the data frame through the corresponding socket id.
However, if the mapping between an IP address and the corresponding MAC address is not in
the ARP cache yet, the station first needs to send an ARP request message. Then it will store the
IP packet in a pending queue and return to the main loop to wait for any events (end user types
anything or receiving an Ethernet frame). After receiving an Ethernet frame, it needs to process
the frame according to the type of the frame: IP packet or ARP packet. If it is an IP packet and
destined to the local station, the contained message is displayed. The packet is dropped if the
packet is not destined to the station. If the frame is an ARP packet, the ARP protocol checks the
type of the packet. ARP packet can be of two types: ARP request or ARP reply. If it is an ARP
request packet and the destination IP address is a local address of the station, the ARP protocol
stores the mapping between the source IP address and the corresponding MAC address.
Moreover, an ARP reply message is sent back to the source (the requester), which contains the
mapping between the IP addresses and the MAC address of the local station. If the packet is an
ARP reply packet, the ARP protocol stores the mapping between the source (the sender) IP
address and the corresponding MAC address. Moreover, the pending queue of the IP packets
needs to be checked to see if any of the IP packets can be sent now (actually, there must be at
least one IP packet that can be sent now).
Program interface
usage: station -route interface routingtable hostname
A router is like any other stations, except that it must be connected to more than one bridge and
they forward packet that is not destined to it.
An example session to start the emulation
In different xterm windows:
bridge cs1 8 (starting bridge 1 with name “cs1”. It has 8 ports)
bridge cs2 8 (second bridge)
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bridge cs3 8 (third bridge)
station -route ifaces.r1 rtable.r1 hosts (first router. The interface information of the router is in file
ifaces.r1. Routing table in rtable.r1. IP/hostname mapping in hosts)
station -route ifaces.r2 rtable.r2 hosts (second router)
station -no ifaces.a rtable.a hosts (first host; Host A)
station -no ifaces.b rtable.b hosts (second host. Host B)
station -no ifaces.c rtable.c hosts (third host. Host C)
station -no ifaces.d rtable.d hosts (last host. Host D)
Section IV: Provided code of the project
(read the README.txt file first after untaring)
Executable code of the project
Project template code
The provided code was written in C/C++ and compiled on linprog. You can use C/C++, Java, or Python to
develop the project. However, you must make sure that we can (compile and) run your code on linprog.
Regardless of the programming language that you have chosen to develop the project, the way to run your
programs should be similar to the above examples. You should use the common filename suffix for your
programs, such as .h, .c, .cpp, .java, and .py, depending on the programming languages that you choose.
Section V: Grading policy
We only grade the part of the code that works. We also use Berkeley MOSS to detect potential plagiarism.
Your code should at least implement the following functionalities (10 points each).
1. stations load all the configuration files and initialize the tables
2. stations send/receive Ethernet data frames (payload encapsulated in DLL header)
3. data frame broadcasting function of bridges
4. self-learning function of bridges (including entry timeout)
5. ARP protocol (ARP request, ARP reply, and ARP cache and entry timeout)
6. stations send/receive IP packets (payload encapsulated in network layer header)
7. IP packet forwarding (at a router)
8. Stations handle sending/receiving data frames and user input concurrently
9. connecting/disconnecting stations/routers at any time
10. clean up when a station/bridge gets killed (close TCP socket, clear allocated memories, etc)
11. commands to show routing tables, ARP cache, name/address mappings, interface tables on stations,
and MAC address/port mappings on bridges
12. code readability
At the beginning of all your source code files, you must include the following information:
Names: (names of your team)
Given that this project is a relatively large project, you need to design carefully how you should proceed with
the project. For example, you may want to work on the project in two phases.
In phase one, you only work on a single LAN, with a single bridge connecting multiple stations. You only
need to worry about the data link layer, you do not worry about the network layer (IP layer). (However, to
simplify your later development of the IP layer), you may want to have an empty IP layer (an empty function)
so that later you can add the network layer functions.) This is in principle similar to the first project. You
need to pay attention to two things: packet encapulation (that is, you need to have a data link layer header and
payload in a dataframe you send out). Second, the bridge needs to support the self-learning function and
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maintian the bridge table. For this purpose, you can add the MAC address into the hostname file so that you
can map a host name to the corresponding MAC address.
In the second phase, you add the support of IP and ARP. When you start to work on the ARP part, remember
to remove the MAC addresses you add into the hostname file.
Please check the provided template, in particular the ether.h and ip.h files. They provide the data structure for
Ethernet data frames and ip packets. Note that you do not need to use the exact the format; you can define
your own data frame and ip packet format.
Project Component 2 Description
For the second component of the project, you need to write a 5-page research-style report/paper on the
network emulator that you have developed. Please note that you should write the report for audience who has
no knowledge of this network emulator design. Put in another way, you need to explain the overall design of
your network emulator (as we have done in the above component 1 description). Your report should meet the
following formatting requirements:
Minimum page number is 5
Font: Times New Roman, 11 point font size
1 inch margin, and single space
Either single column or double columns
Preferably written in latex, but MS word or other tools are also OK. The final submitted report must be
in PDF format
You can read some research papers, for example, the papers in ACM/IEEE international conferences or
journals. One of my own research papers is available here for your reference. Your report should have at least
the following components:
Title (be creative)
Overview (of the network emulator)
Detailed design and development of the network emulator. For the development part, you should focus
on the part of the project that you write
Evaluation or illustration
Your report should have some figures, tables or some other kind of illustrations. Ideally, you should include
some evaluations of your developed network emulator.
Grading Guideline for the report/paper
Your report will be graded based on the following criteria (10 points for each item)
Overall structure of the paper
Clarity/readability of the paper
Figures/tables etc illustrations included in the paper
Description of the network emulator design
Description of the network emulator development (only the part you are responsible for)
Evaluation (or illustration studies) of the network emulator
Compliance with the report formatting specification
The two components of the project will be submitted separately on Canvas. For the first component, you
should tar all the source codes, makefile, and a readme file (indicating the team members, and other optional
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information that you want to provide) into a single tar file and submit on Canvas under project 2. I will create
a separate assignment for you to submit your project report in pdf format.