Project Charter

 Project Description

The project description is a summary of the project and the deliverables or outcomes expected as a result of conducting the project. The project description typically includes a statement of the purpose of the project and the justification for undertaking the project from a business perspective. It also includes project objectives, high-level requirements, and how project success will be measured.

Write a project description based on project you have selected to work on throughout this course

· State the purpose and justification for the project.

· Describe the objectives of the project. 

· Describe the high-level requirements for the project. 

· Describe the tangible measures of project success.

(3–4 paragraphs)

Project Assumptions and Constraints

Project assumptions are factors that may be true but are not confirmed and can impact the project. Constraints are factors that impose limits or boundaries on the project. 

Summarize the assumptions and constraints for your project

· Describe the assumptions for the project. 

· Describe the constraints for the project. 

(2–3 paragraphs)

Project Milestone Timeline Chart

Project milestones represent significant points or events in the project lifecycle. In the project schedule Gantt chart, milestones are represented with durations of 0 and a symbol such as a diamond. For many projects, a milestone timeline chart is developed as a visual that is typically used to communicate to executive stakeholders who most likely won’t want to see the detailed schedule.:

· Prepare a milestone timeline chart showing the start and finish dates of the project as well as the name and finish date for each milestone in your project

· Describe each of the project milestones in the milestone timeline chart. 

Project Approval Procedure

The project approval procedure is a formalized process for obtaining stakeholder approval and sign-off before the project team can proceed to the next step in the project. Stakeholder approval is typically required at milestones in the project when major project deliverables are completed.

Using the milestone timeline chart created above, describe the approval process for the project. To complete this part of the project:

· Indicate who (person or type of position) will approve each of the milestones in the timeline chart, and describe how the approvals will be obtained.