project plan

This project plan should be 4,000 words (+/- 10%) and needs to include the following key components: Rationale and Background (approx. 2,500 words): Provide an overview and context of the project, including local, disciplinary, and global perspectives. Explain the reasons behind your development idea, supported by a theoretical review of the problem or opportunity you aim to address. Consider diversity and apply relevant theories and literature to analyze the situation and propose solutions. Reflect on how the learning from the module and feedback from peers and tutors have informed your plan. Detailed Plan (approx. 1,500 words): Outline the specific steps required to implement the project, including timescales, key milestones, success measures, and roles and responsibilities. Identify the necessary resources and address potential challenges and obstacles. Ensure that your plan is coherent, manageable, and considers both current and future developments in higher education.