PSYC304 Lifespan Development: Adulthood

MODULE: PSYC304 Lifespan Development: Adulthood
COURSE: B.Sc. Psychology (Hons)
EXAMINERS: Dr Richard Vance
Dr Rebecca Knibb
SUBMISSION DATE: 8th December 2023
Module Description:
The module extends the study of developmental psychology into adult development. The
module aims to provide the student with an understanding of developmental psychology
across the lifespan, with specific emphasis on physical, cognitive, social, emotional, sexual,
and relational contexts of adult development.
Students will gain a deeper understanding of the theories, themes, and concepts in
developmental psychology and appreciate that development continues throughout the
lifespan. In addition, students will learn about current issues in lifespan developmental
research, together with specific empirical studies that address contemporary developmental
research questions.
Students will also examine quantitative and qualitative research approaches pertinent to the
study of development across the lifespan and explore, in particular, longitudinal, life course
and life history methodologies as applied in current contexts.
Learning Outcomes:
1. Understand the major and contemporary theories, themes, and concepts of
developmental psychology specifically applied to adulthood.
2. Appreciate the complexity of social and environmental factors pertaining to
developmental psychology and their potential impact on individual developmental
outcomes across the lifespan.
3. Review the range of research approaches most relevant to the study of development
across the lifespan.
4. Critically evaluate particular research methodologies employed in applied
developmental psychology and consider the application of research in policy and
5. Integrate knowledge on broad themes and communicate same in a clear, concise and
scholarly manner.
Continuous Assessment: Weighting 100%
FORMAT: Individual Report
PSYC304 Continuous Assessment Guidelines
Overview of Assignment
Provide a summary of five pre-selected, peer-reviewed research studies and consider the
implications of the findings for policy and/or practice of each study for the area of
Lifespan Development. In Table 1 below, you will find the citations for the five research
studies that will be reviewed in the assignment (a copy of each paper is also available on
Loop). You must support your arguments with appropriate evidence from the literature and
other sources, as necessary, such as Government reports, policy briefs, etc. Further support
and guidance on the assignment will be provided in the lectures and tutorials.
The assignment should include the following:
a) A brief introduction to the background of the study
i. Provide a statement of problem the research is seeking to address
b) A summary of the method and results of the study
i. Identify the stakeholders who are impacted by the research
ii. Describe the methodological approach taken by the researchers
iii. Outline the findings of the research
c) Implications of the findings for policy and/or practice
i. Make recommendations for policy and/or practice that may address the
problem outlined above in order to affect change for the stakeholders
Table 1. List of studies for review
Becker, M., Baumert, J., Tetzner, J., & Maaz, K. (2019). Childhood intelligence, family
background, and gender as drivers of socioeconomic success: The mediating role of
education. Developmental Psychology, 55(10), 2231-2248.
Brunet, J & Sabiston, C. M. (2011). Exploring motivation for physical activity across the
adult lifespan. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 12, 99-105.
Hurd, E., Evans, C., & Renwick, R. (2018). “Having friends is like having marshmallows”:
Perspectives of transition-aged youths with intellectual and developmental disabilities on
friendship. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 31, 1186-1196.
Obradovic, J., & Masten, A. S. (2007). Developmental antecedents of young adult civic
engagement. Applied Developmental Science, 11, 2-19.
Mallett, J., Redican, E., Doherty, A. S., Shevlin, M., & Adamson, G. (2022). Depression
trajectories among older community dwelling adults: Results from the Irish Longitudinal
Study on Ageing (TILDA). Journal of Affective Disorders, 298, 345-354.
Word count
The maximum word limit for the assignment is 3000 words.
Formatting and References
The formatting and referencing for this assignment must follow the 7th Edition of the American
Psychological Association (APA) guidelines.
Learning Outcomes Assessed
1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Submission Deadline
The assignment is due at 5pm on Friday the 8th of December 2023. You can submit a
single electronic copy of your assignment via Loop.
Marking Scheme
Category Breakdown Weighting
Introduction and
Statement of the
• Succinct description of
background to study
• Clear understanding of
the problem
Summary of the
• Identification of
• Clear summary of the
Implications of the
findings for policy
and/or practice
• Research-informed
• Use of appropriate
supporting evidence
from the literature
Structure and
• APA style (7th ed.),
spelling, grammar,
referencing, structure,
general writing style
and clarity
Please Note: It is the student’s responsibility to familiarise themselves with university
regulations on plagiarism, copying, and collusion (see your course handbook or