psychological factors that influence fraudulent behavior in corporate settings

draft a research proposal on the topic of psychological factors that influence fraudulent behavior in corporate settings, primarily from a forensic auditing perspective. The word count needs to be 2000 words excluding references and the title page. This project must be completed within two to four weeks, in the following structure: * Introduction * Literature review * Research questions or objectives * Proposed research method: explained and justified, including practicality * Conclusion * List of references Key research objectives include: * Identifying the psychological factors that influence fraudulent behavior * Investigating the impact of these factors on corporate settings * Examining the role of forensic audit in deterring and detecting such behavior * What role does forensic audit play in detecting and preventing corporate fraud, and how can insights from psychology enhance forensic audit practices? * How do organizational psychological factors contribute to the occurrence of corporate fraud? * What are the individual psychological factors that influence fraudulent behavior in corporate settings? * What is the interaction between individual and organizational factors in shaping fraudulent behavior? The ideal candidate would have an academic background in psychology or forensic auditing, experience in research proposal writing, a clear understanding of the end-to-end research process, and strong analytical skills. Familiarity with contemporary research on corporate fraud in accordance to forensic accounting with psychological impact will be a plus. Accuracy, attention to detail, and adherence to the stipulated deadline is essential.