Quantile Regression in Labour Economics Review

I am seeking a professional for writing a detailed scientific literature review of various quantile regression methodologies for the analysis of wage and gender wage gap differentials. The literature review is to be done from latest to oldest covering research papers, chapters and books, written thematically, with main themes being: – Conditional Quantile Regression for wage or gender wage gap Analysis – Unconditional Quantile Regression (or Recentered Influence Function) for wage or gender wage gap analysis – Sample Selection Adjustment in both the conditional and unconditional quantile regression for wage or gender wage gap analysis – Comparison between the above methodologies – Quantile Regression-Based Decompositions, namely Machado-Mata Decomposition, Melly’s Modification of Machado-Mata Decomposition, Oaxaca-Blinder Decomposition using Recentered Influence Function, and other decompositions based on quantiles, with their comparisons. – Mixed effect quantile regression models (fixed/random) for wage or gender wage gap analysis – Any other quantile regression methodology modifications for wage or gender wage gap analysis Specifically, I’m seeking an expert who can comfortably delve into the above themes, focusing on the recent advancements in the field, and summarize the latest works and findings in a succinct yet comprehensive manner. The research gap is to be determined in context of already done work in the country INDIA for wage gap analysis. For this task, it’s essential that the freelancer be both knowledgeable in economics and statistics (specifically Labour Economics) and experienced in writing in-depth literature reviews. The literature review writeup is to be in thematic form, with Times New Roman 12, 1.5 line spacing and APA7 referencing style. The review should be detailed, exceeding 2000 words in length. Good research and analytical skills, as well as a firm grasp on Quantile Regression, would be vital. The Turnitin Similarity Score should be less than 10. Please feel free to message me for further details regarding the work. I will be fully committed to working side-by-side since I have already done a basic level of literature review and have about 10 papers that can serve as the basis for the work.