INTRODUCTION TO RESEARCH METHODOLOGYMeaning of researchObjectives of researchMotivation in researchTypes of research & research approachesResearch methods vs methodologyCriteria for good research, Problems encountered by researchersLanguage of Research TheoryConcept, Construct, Variable and Definition
RESEARCH RELATED ISSUESResearch, process and steps in it.Research proposal and concept.Research Questions and Research HypothesisResearch Design- meaning, need, concept and different research designs. Experimental, NonExperimental, Research Field, SurveyLiterature survey and review, research design process an error in research.Research Modeling- Types of Models, Model building and stages, Data consideration and testing(Sampling, Collection and Analysis), Heuristic and Simulation.Data Collection: Methods, Quantitative, Qualitative
DESIGN OF EXPERIMENTSObjectives, strategies, Factorial experimental designDesigning engineering experiments, basic principles- replication, randomization, blocking,guidelines for design of experiment.Data Analysis and Statistical Test: t-Test,Paired t-Test, Chi-Square, Regression,Standard Deviation, Mean,Median and ModeAnalysis of variance- ANOVA- Basic principle, One way and Two way technique. Analysis of Covariance- ANOCOVA technique.Measurement and Scaling : Types of Measurement and Scale, Questionnaire Designing,Reliability,ValiditySampling Technique:Nature Sampling, Probability Sampling, Non-Probability Sampling, Sampling Size
REPORT WRITING AND INTERPRETATIONPre-writing considerationsMeaning and techniques of interpretationDifferent steps in report writingFormats of report writing, Thesis writingFormats of publication in Research journals.


GUIDE TO RESEARCH PUBLICATIONEthics committeePlagiarism softwareCopyright WaiverAcknowledgementImpact factorsPeer ReviewReferencing



Assessment Topics for Research Methodology


Assignment -2


Assignment 1 : Role of Ethics in Modern day Research


Assignment 2: Main Characteristics to Conduct an Effective Systematic Literature Review


Seminar Presentation – 2


Seminar Presentation 1: Different Types of Gaps in the Research problem. Comparison of Data Collection Methods


Seminar Presentation 2: Implication of choosing correct framework for authentic study design.


Type Percentage
Presentation 50%
Assignment 50%
Total 100%