Research paper

I need approx 10k words report other than the references and table of contents so including them it will be about 12k words.

Turnitin Plagiarism must be less than 15%.

AI Plagiarism must be less than 10%.

Topic: In Pakistan average milk production of a cow per day is about 8-10 litres but in developed countries such as Canada, Germany, Switzerland, Australia etc average milk production of a cow is about 30 litres per day.

Research Problem: What are the factors of low milk production in Pakistan and how are they affecting the supply chain of dairy industry?



Abstarct (approx 300 words)


Table of contents


  1. Introduction (approx 2000 words)

Cite as much as possible and it should be 2019 or later

  • What is your problem (clearly define your problem)
  • Why did you choose this topic (it’s importance)
  • How are you going to solve it?


  • State your research question
  • State your research hypothesis (Just use simple hypothesis type that is H1, H2, H3 etc.) Don’t use null and alternative hypotheses type that is H1 and H0.


  1. Literature review (approx 3500 words)

Cite as much as possible and it should be 2019 or later.


  1. Find 8-10 research papers on similar topic and make a table that has 4 columns
  2. Author name and year
  3. Paper title
  4. Research methodology choices used (quantitative, qualitative or mix of both) and which data collection methods (interviews, questionnaire, surveys, observations etc) and analysis technique (pearson correlation, spearman correlation, regression, cross tab, ANOVA, chi square etc) was used to collect data)
  5. Findings


  1. Research Methodology (approx 2500 words)
  2. Research philosophy (Positivism, Realism, Interpretivism, Pragmatism)
  3. Research approach (Inductive or deductive)
  4. Research strategies (experiments, case study, surveys, action research, grounded theory, ethnography, archival research)
  5. Research methodological choices (quantitative, qualitative or mix of both). You should select any choice after reading those 8-10 research papers and see what most of the researchers have used.
  6. Time horizon (cross sectional or longitudinal)
  7. Data collection methods (interviews, questionnaire, surveys, observations etc).

Sampling type

probability sampling (simple random, stratified random, cluster, systematic)

Non-probability sampling (convenience, consecutive, quota, judgemental, snowball)

Data analysis techniques (pearson correlation, spearman correlation, regression, cross tab, ANOVA, chi square etc). You must explain why you chose specific data analysis technique and not the others.


  1. Finding and Discussion (approx 500 words)


  1. Conclusion (approx 400 words)


  1. Limitations (approx 300 words)


  1. Managerial Implications (approx 300 words)


  1. References


  1. Appendix

Make a questionnaire of about 8-10 questions (try to find questions from the papers that you have found. Use those same questions that the researchers have already asked in their papers). You can also create your own self-generated questionnaire.