research paper

Requirement: Strategic Research

  • Write a 5,000-word minimum research paper.
  • The Chicago Manual of Style or Turabian Manual
  • Footnotes and Bibliography
  • Minimum 25 Peer Reviewed Articles, Books
  • Discern the military dimension of a challenge impacting national interest; assess and communicate options for employing landpower in joint warfighting and integrating with other instruments of national power.
  • Apply analytical frameworks and theories to analyze and evaluate strategies to address current and anticipated national security challenges across the competition continuum in a global environment.
  • Analyze the military requirements of current and future security environments and how senior leaders use Department of Defense processes and organizations to develop, integrate, and sustain necessary military capabilities.
  • Apply principles of strategic leadership to address problems of organizational performance, adaptation, integration, and learning.
  • Lead teams of experts, develop professional networks, and collaborate with others to provide innovative solutions to complex, unstructured problems. f. Apply strategic thinking and communication to analyze and evaluate the scope and implications of current and future national security and strategic military challenges.


Table of Contents




Key Words

Problem Statement:


Research Question: How does China investment (vs influence or presence?) in the Caribbean and its bilateral relationship with Russia pose significant national security threat to the United States in relations to economics, geopolitical and military dimensions? (Please Refine)


Topic: “China’s Investment in the Caribbean, Its Bilateral Relationship with Russia, and the Implications for United States National Security: Economics Geopolitical, and Military Consequences in the Region” (I believe Chinese Caribbean Investment may be associated to that in Central and South America) (Please Refine)

Thesis Statement: This research aims to analyze the potential threats posed to United States’ national security and regional influence because of China’s increasing investment in the Caribbean and its growing bilateral relationship with Russia. By examining the economic, geopolitical, and military implications within the region, this study seeks to shed light on the multifaceted consequences that could impact the United States’ strategic interest and regional stability. (Please refine if necessary)

Analytic Framework: This framework will be used to analyze China’s investment in the Caribbean. I will employ a comprehensive analytic framework that explores various dimension and factors of China Investment in the Caribbean and China’s unique relationship with Russia and the possibility of China and Russia goal is to establish military bases in the Caribbean and Cuba. I will focus on the “Big Four” Economics, Legal and Regulatory, Environment, and Geopolitical dimension and factors. Employing this multidimensional framework offers a comprehensive understanding of China’s investment in the Caribbean and its implications for the region’s economy, environment, and geopolitics.


  1. Introduction
  2. Brief overview of China’s investment in the Caribbean (what countries, how much, in what ways [consider humanitarian assistance as well])
  3. Overview of China-Russia bilateral relationship (briefly touch on Russian influence in the Americas as well as an indicator of potential partnership in the West)
  4. Importance of the Caribbean region for the United States national security (consider NORTHCOM and SOUTHCOM mission)


  1. China’s Investment in the Caribbean
  2. Economic consequences
  3. Chinese investment in infrastructure projects
  4. Expansion of trade and investment opportunities
  5. Influence on regional economic dynamics


  1. Geopolitical consequences
  2. Strengthening China’s presence and influence in the region
  3. Impact on regional political dynamics
  4. Competition with the United States for influence in the Caribbean


  1. Military consequences
  2. Development of Chinese military facilities and presence
  3. Potential challenges to the United States’ military dominance in the region
  4. Implications for regional security and stability


III. China-Russia Bilateral Relationship

  1. Historical context and current state of the relationship
  2. Economic cooperation and investment
  3. Strategic implications for the United States


  1. Implications for United States National Security
  2. Economic implications
  3. Potential impact on U.S. trade and investment in the Caribbean (also national debt?)
  4. Challenges to U.S. economic dominance in the region


  1. Geopolitical implications
  2. Competition for influence and alliances in the Caribbean
  3. Potential erosion of U.S. regional leadership and alliances


  1. Increased risks of failing states and consequences


  1. Military implications
  2. Challenges to U.S. military presence and dominance in the region
  3. Potential risks to U.S. national security interests


  1. Conclusion
  2. Summary of China’s investment in the Caribbean and its bilateral relationship with Russia
  3. Assessment of the economic, geopolitical, and military consequences for the United States
  4. Recommendations for U.S. policymakers to address the implications for national security in the region. (or identify a theme that should be studied further [beyond this Research paper])


Additional Information:

Collection of Relevant Information: (Books and Peer-Review Articles)


  1. “China and the Caribbean: Strategic Relations and Regional Development” by Ransford
  1. Palmer and Liu Kang (Editor) – This book explores the historical, political, economic, and cultural dimensions of China’s engagement in the Caribbean region, including investments and development cooperation.


  1. “China in the Caribbean: The Waning of the Global US Hegemony?” by Sandra W. Meditz – The book examines China’s expanding presence in the Caribbean, focusing on economic relations, investment projects, infrastructure development, and the implications for regional geopolitics.


Journal Articles:

  1. “China’s Engagement in the Caribbean: Motivations, Prospects, and Challenges” by Rhonda T. Binda and Richard L. Bernal (Journal of Chinese Political Science, 2018) – This article discusses China’s motivation behind its engagement in the Caribbean, Including its investment strategies, economic interests, and the potential impact on regional development.


  1. “China’s Economic Engagement in the Caribbean: The role of Aid, Trade, and Investment by Gordon Redding (Journal of Chinese Political Science, 2015) – This article examines China’s economic engagement in the Caribbean, analyzing the patterns of aid, trade, and investment and their implications for the region’s economic development.
  1. “China’s Investments in the Caribbean: Implications for the United States” by Evans Ellis (Chinese Journal of International Politics, 2017) – This article assesses China’s investments in the Caribbean and analyzes the implications for U.S. – China relations, regional security, and U.S. influence in the region.