research paper due in week 7

For your research paper due in week 7, you will write a literary analysis with the following, creative thesis and opinionated argument.  How do the principles of warfare in Sun Tzu’s “The Art of War” compare and contrast with the themes and motifs present in “The Arabian Nights” by Andrew Lang?


Working thesis statement: By analyzing Sun Tzu’s strategies for success in warfare and comparing them to the stories and themes of “The Arabian Nights,” it will be shown that there are underlying connections between the art of war and storytelling, revealing insights into human nature and societal dynamics.


The finished essay will meaningfully incorporate 2 of the assigned readings “the arabian nights” by Andrew lang and “The art of war” by Sun Tzu t and make a unified argument with specific assertions and researched support. Your paper is expected to contain some focus on your chosen literature’s status as world literature and what can be learned by examining the author(s) or work(s) from cultural, historical, or sociological perspectives. In terms of content, the most effective essays will

  • Evaluate and apply diverse perspectives (such as cultural, disciplinary, and ethical) to complex global subjects
  • Articulate an understanding of cultural differences
  • Demonstrate sophisticated understanding of the complexity of elements important to members of another culture in relation to its history, values, politics, communication styles, economy, or beliefs and practices.
  • Explore complex questions about other cultures and articulate answers to these questions.

To support your analysis, you must use the following four secondary sources and annotations. Lang. “The Arabian Nights Entertainments by Andrew Lang.” Project Gutenberg, 1 Jan. 2021,

Andrew Lang’s “The Arabian Nights Entertainments” is a collection of Middle Eastern folk tales, including the famous story of Aladdin and his magic lamp. The tales are rich in themes of adventure, magic, and morality, providing readers with captivating stories that have stood the test of time. One particularly relevant quote from the text is, “Trust in Allah, but tie up your camel!” This phrase speaks to the importance of both faith and practicality in navigating challenges, a theme that can be compared and contrasted with the strategic principles of warfare in Sun Tzu’s “The Art of War.” The tales in Lang’s collection offer a unique perspective on wisdom and decision-making, making them a valuable resource for analyzing themes present in both texts.


“Sun Tzŭ on the Art of War.” The Project Gutenberg eBook of The Art of War, by Sun Tzu, Accessed 5 May 2024.

Sun Tzu’s “The Art of War” is a classic Chinese text on military strategy and tactics. Written over two thousand years ago, it explores the principles of warfare and offers insights on topics such as leadership, tactics, and planning. Sun Tzu emphasizes the importance of knowing oneself and one’s enemy in order to achieve victory on the battlefield. This source is crucial to my research paper as it provides a foundation for understanding military strategies that can be compared to the themes present in “The Arabian Nights.” A quote from “The Art of War” that could be relevant to my paper is, “Appear at points which the enemy must hasten to defend; march swiftly to places where you are not expected.”



Milevski, L. (2019). The idea of genius in Clausewitz and Sun Tzu. Comparative Strategy, 38(2), 139–149.

In this article, Milevski explores the concept of genius as understood by two prominent military strategists, Clausewitz and Sun Tzu. He argues that while Clausewitz views genius as a rare gift possessed by exceptional individuals, Sun Tzu emphasizes the importance of strategic thinking and adaptability rather than innate talent. This comparison provides insight into the differing perspectives on leadership and warfare between the two authors. A quote from the article that highlights this distinction is: “Clausewitz focuses on the leader’s personal qualities, whereas Sun Tzu comes close to suggesting that these qualities are not necessary, important, or sufficient for success” (Milevski, 2019, p. 141). This source will be valuable for my research paper as it sheds light on the underlying principles and ideologies of warfare in Sun Tzu’s “The Art of War” and how they compare to other theories of military strategy.



lorge, peter. “Warfare in China to 1600: Peter Lorge: Taylor & Francis Ebooks, Refe.” Taylor & Francis, Taylor & Francis, 3 Apr. 2017,

Peter A. Lorge’s book, “Warfare in China to 1600,” provides a comprehensive overview of the military history and tactics used in ancient China. Lorge explores the evolution of warfare in China from antiquity to the early modern period, focusing on key battles, strategies, and technologies. One insightful quote from the book is, “Warfare in ancient China was not simply a matter of conquest or defense; it was deeply rooted in philosophy, culture, and statecraft.” This source is relevant to my research paper as it will offer a historical context for Sun Tzu’s “The Art of War” and provide additional insights into the cultural and strategic influences that shaped Chinese military thought during that time period.



The final paper must be at least 1500 words in length (and no more than 2000).

paper topic annotated Bibliography