Research paper Outline

Directions: Use the format below to create an outline for your research project. Each component of the outline should be completed in FULL sentences. Your supporting details (Specific evidence or example or statistic) should be specific quotes or paraphrases from your research and should be cited with an in-text MLA citation. The full citation will come on the Works Cited Page.
Topic : Why do racial differences in employment still exist today?
I. Introduction
a. Hook
b. Identify general aspects of the topic
c. Identify the various positions on the topic (for and Against)
d. Thesis statement (including main reasons or arguments for or against)

II. Background about the topic
a. What is the issue that you are researching?
b. What research has been done before on the topic
c. Why is this a controversial topic?

III. State the position opposite of yours in a clear topic sentence
a. 1st reason people feel this way
i. Specific evidence or example or statistic (Quote or Paraphrase)
ii. Explain why this may be true BUT…
b. 2nd reason people feel this way (if applicable)
i. Specific evidence or example or statistic (Quote or Paraphrase)
ii. Explain why this may be true BUT…
c. Analysis of contrary position – transition to your position

IV. State your position as fact in a clear topic sentence
a. 1st reason people feel this way
i. Specific evidence or example or statistic (Quote or Paraphrase)
ii. Explain why this is true

V. State your position as fact in a clear topic sentence
a. 2nd reason people feel this way
i. Specific evidence or example or statistic (Quote or Paraphrase)
ii. Explain why this is true

VI. Conclusion statement (do not include details in your conclusion)
a. Summarize the specific controversy, overview of the topic
b. Transition from specific to general – how this specific topic has lasting effects
c. Consider – conclude with your opinion or a “call to action”