1. the substance and creativity of your ideas.
2. the level of understanding that you demonstrate about the concepts, theories, and research on
which your idea is based.
3. the clarity with which you present your ideas.
4. the quality of the evidence used to substantiate your idea.
Quality of Idea (75%)
– one coherent idea
– ** logical premise to the idea **
– correct understanding & clear presentation of concepts and research findings
– idea is original (interesting / not too obvious)
– idea is explained fully
– idea is substantiated by drawing from other research
Quality of Writing (25%)
– precise scientific writing
– correct referencing of data
– logical progression of ideas
– each paragraph is relevant to the idea
– clear transitions and connections between sentences
– elegant writing
– coherent paragraphs (not too short, or too long)
– topic sentences
– proper sentence structure
– use of APA
The clearest writing style includes (1) a topic sentence at the start of each paragraph that explains what
the paragraph is about and links that paragraph to either the previous paragraph or to the paper’s
thesis, and (2) a summary sentence at the end of the paragraph. The summary sentence drives home
the main message of the research presented in the paragraph in relation to your main idea.
Do not use direct quotes in these papers.
CITATIONS: It is important to learn to summarize and to properly reference other people’s ideas. In the
text of your papers, you must cite the authors of the ideas and information you are using. Use APA
e.g., Younger smokers, in particular, are viewed negatively (Dion, et al., 1990).
Make the research findings, not the researcher the subject of the sentence: The researchers are not the
subject of your papers, the ideas and evidence from the research should be the focus. So, as much as
you are able, put the researchers in brackets either at the end of your sentence or after a specific fact in
your sentence. Keep your sentences focused on the research finding and ideas.
AVOID: Seydel and colleagues (2015) demonstrated that …..

– Remember you must describe the relevant research and explain the major issues related to
your topic. Define the important constructs and clarify how all the elements of your argument
are related to each other. USE DATA to make your argument.

– Keep the topic narrow enough that you can cover it well and thoroughly.”

Marking rubric:
– compelling idea
– overall organization / logical order
– explanation of terms
– statements of fact are backed up
– includes descriptions of key evidence / research
– explains data concisely and in the flow of the paper
– evaluates evidence and draws appropriate conclusions
– conclusions of information