Research Project Assistance

Research Project Assistance

End-to-end verifiability of nodes in a blockchain-based e-voting system in uncontrolled or compromised computing environments.

Here is a short brief on what I am trying to investigate, blockchain technology is quite secure with its cryptographic security implementations and is touted as a possible solution to replacing traditional paper ballots-based voting systems.

The scenario is this given that we have a blockchain e-voting system running on a computer system and we are simulating the voting process (for example an individual casting a vote using this system and the vote propagating across a small network to the counting station) can the node with the data remain secured if the system hosting the blockchain is hacked or is compromised.

My proposal is to employ software vulnerability testing using environment perturbation in the research to test the integrity of node data when faults, errors or other exploits, etc.

What I need help with is designing the experiments and developing the testing methodology.

so in addition to what I said before, I am trying to research blockchain node in a system that is compromised (eg lets say we are able to exploit a system via some network security flaw) to find out if the node can be affected
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The risk assessment covers the warehouse operations and the engineering workshop

I forgotten to provide you the above information for the background
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