Research Proposal

College of Languages and Translation

A Research Proposal submitted to the Department of English language and literature

College of Languages and Translation, Al-Imam University


This research proposal seeks to investigate the impact of technology on the writing proficiency of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) students in Saudi Arabia.  In era where technology is becoming the norm, its role in education cannot be ignored. This study seeks to get answers on the impact of technology on writing skills among Saudi EFL learners. The research will use a mixed-methods approach, where quantitative analysis and qualitative inquiry will be combined to get a complete understanding of the quagmire. The quantitative questionnaires will consist of administering pre-and post-questions to measure the writing proficiency of a sample of Saudi EFL students after exposure to various forms of technology encountered in the learning process.

The qualitative component will comprise in-depth questions with the sampled students to explore their proficiency levels in an English test that will be administered. These questions will offer valuable perspectives on their English language proficiency and writing skills. The expected outcomes of this study will be twofold. Firstly, it is anticipated to yield empirical evidence concerning the efficacy of technology in improving the writing skills of Saudi EFL learners. Secondly, the research aims to provide insights and recommendations for educators and policymakers on best practices for integrating technology into the EFL curriculum, with the ultimate goal of enhancing language proficiency and communication abilities in the Saudi educational context. The findings will contribute to a deeper understanding of how technology can be used to improve the writing and learning skills of different caliber of students



The rapid evolution of technology has transformed how education is delivered globally. It has brought with it some advantages as well as disadvantages that has touched the sector. The teaching and learning of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) is one field that has also been affected.  The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, in its endeavor of a knowledge-based economy, has put a substantial weight on English language proficiency. In this setting, the incorporation of technology in EFL instruction has come out as a crucial area of exploration. This research will investigate the impact of technology on Saudi EFL Students’ Writing Skills. The research is being done with the intention of investigating the effects of technology-enhanced learning environments on the writing proficiency of Saudi EFL learners.

This chapter begins with a look of the background and the reasons why the study is being done, highlighting the significance of the topic in the Saudi educational landscape. The chapter will consist of a statement of the research problem outlining the gaps in existing literature concerning the particular impact of technology on writing skills development in this context. In addition, the chapter will have the research questions, objectives, and significance of the study, underscoring its possible contributions to both academic scholarship and pedagogical practices.

  • Statement of the Problem

The integration of technology into the teaching of English as a Foreign Language (EFL), particularly in the domain of writing instruction, has been a subject of ongoing scholarly debate and investigation (Seyyedrezaei et al., 2022). While a growing body of research suggests that technology can significantly enhance the learning experience by providing interactive and personalized feedback (Barrot, 2020; Zhao, 2021), there are also studies that present a more skeptical view. These studies argue that the effectiveness of technology in improving writing skills is not as straightforward and may have limitations, such as superficial feedback and technical issues that could demotivate students (Chen, 2014). Given these contrasting viewpoints, there is a pressing need for a comprehensive and nuanced analysis that investigates the actual impact of technology on the writing abilities of EFL students.

  • Purpose of the Study

The primary objective of this research is to delve deeply into the influence of various technological tools on the writing proficiency of students who are learning English as a Foreign Language. Tools such as Grammarly and Wordtune have been cited for their potential benefits in previous studies (Barrot, 2020; Zhao, 2021). This research aims to go beyond the surface-level observations and provide a detailed examination of how these technological tools affect the writing skills of EFL students. Specifically, the study will scrutinize the effectiveness of these tools not only in terms of grammatical accuracy but also in shaping students’ attitudes and perceptions toward the writing process. The research will employ both qualitative and quantitative methods to provide a holistic view of the subject matter.

  • Significance of the Study

The significance of understanding the role of technology in EFL writing instruction cannot be overstated. It holds immense value for a wide range of stakeholders, including educators, curriculum developers, and students (Tsai, 2015). As educational technology continues to evolve, it is crucial to keep abreast of the most effective methods for incorporating these tools into the EFL writing curriculum. This study aims to fill this gap by providing empirically-backed insights that could potentially revolutionize how technology is used in EFL writing courses. The findings could lead to more effective teaching strategies, thereby improving educational outcomes and making a meaningful contribution to the field (Seyyedrezaei et al., 2022).


  • Research Questions and Hypotheses:

The study will seek to answer the following questions:

  1. Does technology improve EFL writing skills?
  2. Do learners think technology tools improve writing skills?


  • Working Terminology
  • EFL: English as a Foreign Language
  • CMS: Course Management System
  • AI: Artificial Intelligence
  • Scope of the Study

This research will focus on EFL students at the tertiary level, examining the impact of specific technological tools such as Grammarly and Wordtune. The study will not consider other technologies that may also be beneficial for EFL writing.

  • Research Delimitations

The study is confined to tertiary-level EFL students and will scrutinize particular technological tools. It will not explore other potentially beneficial technologies or consider students outside of this educational level.




2.0 Introduction

This chapter outlines the research methodology that is used in this research study. A robust research methodology will be crucial to ensure the validity, reliability, and that that the study findings are inclusiveness of the topic of scrutiny. The selected approach aligns with the research objectives, enabling a rigorous scrutiny of the impact of technology on writing proficiency among Saudi EFL learners. The chapter consists of the description of the research design which clarifies the basis for adopting a mixed-methods approach. This approach combines quantitative assessments of writing proficiency with qualitative insights from interviews, offering a complete comprehension of the subject under study. Moreover, the chapter gives a breakdown of the target population, sampling procedures, and instruments of data collection, accenting their suitability for the topic under investigation.  This chapter also looks at the ethical considerations of the study. Additionally, the chapter gives a insight of a detailed plan for data analysis, including statistical procedures for quantitative data and thematic analysis for qualitative insights.  The methodology will help developing a reliable finding that can be implemented in the country and elsewhere.

2.1 Research Design

This study employs a mixed-methods research design, incorporating both quantitative and qualitative data. The quantitative data will be collected through a test consisting of 10 questions aimed at assessing the writing proficiency of EFL students. The qualitative data will be gathered through a survey of 15 questions designed to gauge students’ perceptions and attitudes towards the use of technology in EFL writing instruction.

2.2 Participants

The participants for this study will be EFL students enrolled in intermediate and advanced writing courses. A total of 100 students will be randomly selected to ensure a diverse and representative sample. Informed consent will be obtained from all participants before the commencement of the study.

2.3 Setting

The study will be conducted in an academic setting, specifically within the EFL writing classes at a university. The environment will be controlled to minimize external variables that could affect the outcomes.

2.4 Data Collection

  1. Test: A 10-question test will be administered to assess the writing skills of the participants. The test will be designed to evaluate various aspects of writing, such as grammar, coherence, and structure.
  2. Survey: A 15-question survey will be distributed to the participants to collect qualitative data on their attitudes and perceptions regarding the use of technological tools in writing instruction. The survey will include both Likert scale questions and open-ended questions for more in-depth responses.

2.5 Research instruments.

  1. Test: The test will be developed by experts in EFL writing instruction and will be pilot-tested for reliability and validity.
  2. Survey: The survey will be designed based on previous research on technology integration in EFL writing.

2.6 Data Analysis

  1. Quantitative Data: The test scores will be analyzed using descriptive statistics to provide an overview of the participants’ writing proficiency. Inferential statistics will be used to determine if there is a significant difference in writing skills before and after the use of technological tools.
  2. Qualitative Data: The survey responses will be analyzed using thematic analysis to identify common themes and patterns regarding students’ attitudes and perceptions.

 EFL Writing Proficiency Test

Instructions: Please read each question carefully and provide your best answer. You have 60 minutes to complete this test.

Question 1: Sentence Structure

Rewrite the following sentence in a way that makes it clearer and more concise:

“In order to be able to succeed in life, it is often considered to be essential to have a good education.”

Question 2: Grammar

Identify the grammatical error in the following sentence and correct it:

“She don’t like playing basketball.”

Question 3: Vocabulary

Replace the underlined word in the sentence with a more appropriate synonym:

“The movie was very good.”

Question 4: Coherence

Arrange the following sentences to form a coherent paragraph:

  • “She decided to take up painting.”
  • “Sara always loved art.”
  • “Now, she spends her weekends in her small studio.”
  • “Her first piece was a portrait of her dog.”

Question 5: Thesis Statement

Write a thesis statement for an essay about the impact of technology on education.

Question 6: Supporting Details

Provide two supporting details for the following main idea:

“Regular exercise is beneficial for mental health.”

Question 7: Transitions

Insert an appropriate transition word in the blank:

“She was late for class. ________, she missed the quiz.”

Question 8: Conclusions

Write a concluding sentence for an essay about the importance of recycling.

Question 9: Punctuation

Correct the punctuation errors in the following sentence:

“If you’re coming to the party bring some snacks.”

Question 10: Paraphrasing

Paraphrase the following sentence:

“The rapid advancements in technology are significantly affecting our daily lives.”

End of Test

Please review your answers before submitting.

EFL Students’ Perceptions on Technology Tools in Writing

Instructions: Please read each question carefully and select the most appropriate answer. Your responses will remain confidential.

Section 1: Demographics

  1. Age: ___________
  2. Gender:

        Male

        Female

       Other

       Prefer not to say

  1. Level of English Proficiency:


    Beginner

    Intermediate

    Advanced

Section 2: Technology Usage

  1. How often do you use technology tools like Grammarly, Wordtune, etc., for writing?

       Never

       Rarely

       Sometimes

       Often

       Always

  1. Which technology tool do you use most frequently for writing?


        Grammarly

        Wordtune

        ProWritingAid

        Other: ___________

Section 3: Perceptions and Attitudes

  1. Do you think technology tools improve your writing skills?

   Strongly Disagree

    Disagree

    Neutral

    Agree

    Strongly Agree


  1. Technology tools make me more confident in my writing.


   Strongly Disagree

   Disagree

   Neutral

   Agree

  Strongly Agree

  1. I find technology tools to be distracting rather than helpful.


    Strongly Disagree

    Disagree

    Neutral

    Agree

    Strongly Agree

  1. Technology tools have helped me understand grammar better.


   Strongly Disagree

   Disagree

   Neutral

   Agree

   Strongly Agree

  1. I would recommend using technology tools to other EFL students.


   Strongly Disagree

   Disagree

   Neutral

   Agree

   Strongly Agree

Section 4: Open-Ended Questions

  1. What do you like most about using technology tools for writing?
  2. What do you dislike about using technology tools for writing?
  3. Do you think technology tools are more beneficial for beginner, intermediate, or advanced EFL students? Please explain.
  4. Have you ever faced any technical issues while using these tools? If yes, please describe.
  5. Any additional comments or suggestions regarding the use of technology tools in EFL writing instruction?

End of Survey

Please review your answers before submitting. Thank you for your participation!

EFL Students’ Perceptions on Technology Tools in Writing

Instructions: Please read each question carefully and select the most appropriate answer. Your responses will remain confidential.

Section 1: Demographics

  1. Age: ___________
  2. Gender:


   Male

    Female

    Other


Level of English Proficiency:

  Beginner

    Intermediate

     Advanced

Section 2: Technology Usage

  1. How often do you use technology tools like Grammarly, Wordtune, etc., for writing.

  Never

    Rarely

    Sometimes

    Often

    Always

  Which technology tool do you use most frequently for writing

  Grammarly

    Wordtune

    ProWritingAid

Other: ___________

Section 3: Perceptions and Attitudes

  1. Do you think technology tools improve your writing skills?

   Strongly Disagree

    Disagree

    Neutral

    Agree

    Strongly Agree

  Technology tools make me more confident in my writing.

  Strongly Disagree

    Disagree

    Neutral

    Agree

    Strongly Agree

I find technology tools to be distracting rather than helpful.

  Strongly Disagree

    Disagree

    Neutral

    Agree

    Strongly Agree

Technology tools have helped me understand grammar better.

  Strongly Disagree

    Disagree

    Neutral

    Agree

    Strongly Agree

I would recommend using technology tools to other EFL students.

  Strongly Disagree

    Disagree

    Neutral

    Agree

  Strongly Agree

Section 4: Open-Ended Questions

  1. What do you like most about using technology tools for writing?
  2. What do you dislike about using technology tools for writing?
  3. Do you think technology tools are more beneficial for beginner, intermediate, or advanced EFL students? Please explain.
  4. Have you ever faced any technical issues while using these tools? If yes, please describe.
  5. Any additional comments or suggestions regarding the use of technology tools in EFL writing instruction?

End of Survey

Please review your answers before submitting. Thank you for your participation!


  1. Barrot, J. S. (2020). Integrating Technology into ESL/EFL Writing through RELC Journal, 53(3).
  2. Chen, T. (2014). Technology-supported peer feedback in ESL/EFL writing classes: a research synthesis. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 29(2).
  3. Seyyedrezaei, M. S., Amiryousefi, M., Gimeno-Sanz, A., & Tavakoli, M. (2022). A meta-analysis of the relative effectiveness of technology-enhanced language          learning on ESL/EFL writing performance. Computer Assisted Language
  4. Tsai, Y. R. (2015). Applying the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) to explore the effects of a Course Management System (CMS)-Assisted EFL writing            CALICO Journal, 32(1).
  5. Zhao, X. (2021). Leveraging Artificial Intelligence (AI) Technology for English Writing: Introducing Wordtune as a Digital Writing Assistant for EFL Writers.           RELC Journal.





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