research proposal

Participation in research is commonly associated with the phases of data and information gathering, subsequent analysis, and the dissemination of findings. However, the reality is that a significant portion of any research project’s timeline is consumed by the process of delineating the research topic, making successive decisions to refine the project’s scope, and ultimately framing the central research question. Consequently, this course places a primary focus on the cultivation of these essential research skills.

This assignment has been meticulously designed following a discovery learning approach, which entails acquiring a comprehensive grasp of the research process. The assignment will be divided into five distinct sections, each section is expected to be submitted as a separate Word document.



Use the bolded sections as the headings in your declaration (failure to do so results in loss of 2 marks).

The following table will be used in grading.

See example declaration posted on ACORN.

Maximum 2 pages.

Post to ACORN.

Topic (generally described):


Background/context considerations:


References/sources you have found that may be useful in exploring this topic (listed alphabetically; do not use subheadings to categorize the references (as coming from PEN/grey lit/peer-reviewed)


Must use APA style citation for references 6  
·        From PEN (at least one) If no PEN source available for your topic, make a note in your paper that you did not find anything relevant.
·        From grey literature (at least one)  


·        From peer-reviewed literature (at least two)  


-1 for more than 3 errors; -.5 for 1-3 errors (-1)  
APA referencing in reference list (alphabetical; not categorized) Must be perfect 1  
Not using required subheadings -2  
Total 10  
Grade divided by 2 /5  

Note:  TWO MARKS will be deducted for each use of a database citation (such as from PubMed or Science Direct) instead of the original peer-reviewed article source information.





Part one ouline

            Indent and 1 (2 Max.) sentences stating topic.


Indent and describe background of why you are interested in the topic. 2 (3 Max.) paragraphs, it is ok to use first person for this particular part of the assignment. For example: I  am interested in studying the implications of regular aerobic exercise in the control of blood sugar levels of people living with type 1 diabetes. I have several family members that are living with this condition and have witnessed the profound negative effects of dysregulated blood sugars and have a desire to further understand….


*** Start your first paragraph as a sort of introduction to your topic, followed by your second one that gets more in depth as to your personal attachment to this topic.


Part2 and 3: 

It comprise Parts 1 and 2 of developing research proposal


Part 2: “Getting to the question” – Research question articulation (20 marks)


Part 3 : Research proposal development (20 marks)



Ideally, this project is best done in a group. It may be done solo.



Note: While there are formal meetings in November to present your research question, I encourage meetings with me as you develop your question and assess resources. You won’t be bothering me; facilitating your learning is my job.

How to conduct an annotated bibliography:

1.      Focus your topic; set delimitations (what you are interested in learning about)

2.      Define search parameters to review the literature on a topic area covered in this course

3.      Conduct search

4.      Select articles (per requirements for Assignment 4)

5.      For each article/source:

·        in one paragraph, provide an overview of what the article/source is about

·        in one-two sentences, describe how the content of this source is relevant to your research topic

6.      Provide a synthesis of findings, pulling together learnings from all sources. This is in the style of a standard essay; state your purpose, then ‘build the story’ of how the resources you selected help inform your emerging research proposal and project, then bookend by responding to the purpose in the conclusion. Many students forget to provide a synthesis. It is the part of the paper where you put together all of the ideas from the sources reviewed.


Part 2: “Getting to the Question” (Due ).

Develop a research question based on your review of the literature about your topic

To complete Assignment 3, follow the instructions in the following table.

Use the bolded words as headings in your report.

Hand in via ACORN.

Title  Write a title that reflects your assignment; not “Assignment 3” 1
Topic declaration Declare what your topic is and what attracted you to the topic 1
Purpose of literature search Describe what you intended to learn about through your literature search – use past tense 1


Using a Venn Diagram, show the topic areas/domains that you explored in your literature search (there may be 2, 3 or 4) 2
Conducting the search Describe how you conducted your search (what did you look for?; where did you look? (at physical or virtual sources, etc.); with whom, if anyone, did you speak? Give specific names of journals explored 1
Annotated bibliography report Reference information and summary for these six sources:

·        PEN (use one)

·        grey literature (use one)

·        peer-reviewed literature (use three)

·        research sources online (at least one)


For each source:

1.      use APA style citation as a heading

2.      in one paragraph, provide an overview of what the article/source was about

3.      in one-two sentences, describe how the content of this source was relevant to your research topic


·        All APA heading citation – perfection expected (-.5 if 1-2 errors; 0 for >2 errors) (potential for -3 marks)

·        overview and statement of relevance for each source (1 each): (6 marks)

Synthesis Provide a synthesis of findings of how your selected sources contribute to informing your learning about your topic (two or three paragraphs) 4
Response to purpose State what you have learned about your topic as a result of conducting the annotated bibliography 1


Research question or purpose Research question or purpose developed as a result of the literature search and considerable thought is:

–        descriptive of topic and target group or location (if appropriate)

–        singularly focused (there is one question per issue or sub-issue, not several issues combined in a question)

–        reflects your declared topic and the literature/background

–        concise (not overly wordy yet provides sufficient information to know what you are talking about)

Rejected questions Provide questions that you decided were not worded appropriately or not doable (this must be included; no one, not even the most seasoned researcher uses the first research question that they write) 1
Reference list Provide a complete reference list of all sources use (-1 if not included)

Perfection in use of APA citations expected (note that this means that if the citation was incorrect in the text, and cut and pasted, it will also be incorrect in the reference list)

Spelling/grammar (perfection expected) (-.1 for each error up to 10)
APA formatting – use APA 7th edition standard headings and format of a title page and page layout. Use of headings as requested. (-.5 for 1-3 errors; -1 for >3 errors)

Note: For any use of a database citation for a peer-reviewed article rather than the original source information, TWO MARKS will be deducted.

Not using bolded headings as headings in the report (-5) (-5)


Part3 : Research Proposal (20 marks; due December)


You may approach this with as a research proposal or a proposal for funding, e.g., for a program or equipment.


Use the bolded words for headings.


Submit to ACORN.


Title of assignment Give a title that describes your assignment (not ‘Assignment 4’) .5
Objectives ·       Objectives of the proposed research (deconstruct the parts of the proposed research and what the project would accomplish) 2
Research question(s)


·       clear, concise, answerable, link to objectives, methodology, method, and proposed analysis

·       this may be a repetition of what you included in Assignment 5 or you may want to reword your question

·       -1 if revisions based on feedback from Assignment 3 were ignored

Methodology Methodology and rationale for this choice (Note: this is not the method) 1
Method Description of and rationale for method of data collection/information gathering

– describes what you will gather (give details of what, from whom, when, where, and how information would be recorded/organized)

Analysis Description of and rationale for analytic approach (how information gathered will be assessed) 3.5
Relevance of findings Statement of how you anticipate the findings will contribute to education, practice, and research in nutrition and dietetics; all three must be included (.5 marks each) 1.5
GTTQ Statement of how the proposed research method reflects the flow of logic per the Getting to the Question Framework (describe how the components of your proposal link together and flow one to the other) 1
Ethics Ethical consideration (review Research and Graduate Studies ethics documents (include as a reference); declare level of risk and rationale for this assessment; declare whether you think your proposed study would require Ethics Committee approval)

–        reference to Research and Graduate Studies Ethics procedures (.5)

–        level of risk declared (.5)

–        rationale re: risk level (.5)

–        statement of whether or not the study would require ethics review? (.5)



Budget Don’t estimate amounts needed.

This is an acknowledgement of what costs might be involved for supplies/equipment, travel, and human resources, not a detailed budget of what you would need to undertake your assignment.

Will be assessed on whether it is inclusive and reasonable.

For example, we will need funds for x and y, and give the rationale.

Timeline Give an estimate of time involved to complete the components of your proposed study; provide a timeline chart. Imagine in real time how long your project would take to complete (note: it need not be planned to be completed this academic year) 1.5
Questions/reflections arising Questions/reflections arising as a result of preparing the proposal (note, more than one idea is required) 1.5
APA formatting text (must use required subheadings) (-1) and in reference list


Note: For any use of a database citation for a peer-reviewed article rather than the original source information, TWO MARKS will be deducted (for each incorrect citation).

Spelling/grammar (-.1 for each error to a max of 10)
Not using bolded headings as headings in the report (-5)






Part4: Review paper (30%):

Students will be required to submit a review paper covering a nutrition topic approved by the instructor. Your chosen topic should align with your research question and proposal. Please refer to the link below for some ideas.

Purpose:   To gain in-depth knowledge in a specific topic and apply that into real sporting situation.

Guidelines for this paper are as follows:

12-15 pages (actual writing not including the cover page, references, etc.)

APA format – 12 pt, Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, double-spaced; all references

in APA format; APA referencing throughout paper.

Minimum 15 references (at least 7 of them current (no older than 2014), professional, refereed journal


Topic due date

Due date: