research question | business problem based of all papers

Here some instructions for the paper and some suggestions

Present a literature stream for research purposes ( 3 already given but more to add)
▪ Imagine you are a phd student focusing their studies on
business model innovation
▪ Present the literature stream to a potential supervisor to
show the relevance of the topic for your phd studies
However, the seminar paper may not exceed the maximum word
count of 3500 words (not counting the bibliography and graphics).

General structure for assignments (suggestion)
1. Motivate the topic and develop a research question | business problem based of all papers.
2. Prepare a textual analysis of each paper.
3. Discuss the main findings of the papers. Are there any theories that have been used repeatedly to explain
relationships? What can be generalized and what are the implications for research and industry?
4. Which papers complement the existing ones and how? Carry out a structured literature review and
document your approach. Explain and justify what you selected. Provide a systematic summary of the findings
of the papers that you have selected and discuss how these findings add to the starting literature.
5. Reflect on the findings of the underpinning studies on the basis of concrete examples from practice. How can
the findings from the academic world be used in practice?
6. Conclusion: Summarize each paper and identify possible limitations and relevant future research
questions/ projects.