Scope of Work

1. Research Proposal Development:
– Collaborate to select a relevant and engaging topic related to the built environment.
– Develop a 500-800 word outline research proposal.
– Ensure the proposal includes a clear rationale, aim, objectives, and outline of research methods.

2. Literature Review:
– Conduct a comprehensive review of scholarly literature related to the selected topic.
– Critically review and compare key documents.
– Identify gaps in the existing literature and justify the need for the proposed research.

3. Research Methodology:
– Develop a detailed research methodology aligned with the dissertation’s aims and objectives.
– Include both deskwork (literature review) and fieldwork (data collection through case studies, surveys, interviews, etc.).
– Ensure rigorous data collection and analysis methods.

4. Data Collection and Analysis:
– Collect and analyze qualitative or quantitative data as required.
– Present data in a clear and structured manner, including appropriate graphical representations.
– Conduct a thorough analysis and discuss the implications of the findings.

5. Dissertation Writing:
– Write a well-structured and coherent dissertation of approximately 15,000 words (excluding appendices).
– Include an introduction, literature review, research methodology, data analysis, discussion, conclusions, and recommendations.
– Ensure adherence to the Harvard system of referencing.

6. Revisions and Finalization:
– Incorporate feedback from the dissertation supervisor and make necessary revisions.
– Prepare the final version of the dissertation, ensuring it meets all presentation specifications.

Deliverables/ Milestones/ Potential Submissions:
– Outline research proposal (500-800 words)
– Comprehensive literature review
– Detailed research methodology
– Collected data and analysis
– Complete dissertation (approximately 15,000 words)
– Final revisions based on supervisor feedback

– Strong research and analytical skills.
– Familiarity with the Harvard system of referencing.

– The project is expected to start immediately and should be completed in total by 15th November 2024

– Please provide your price estimate for the entire project. Payment milestones can be discussed and agreed upon.