central issues for teachers of students with EBD

This assignment has three parts. All three parts should be submitted in one document.

Part 1: To develop a greater understanding of the central issues for teachers of students with EBD, discuss what current research has indicated are the necessary components of programs for students with EBD and the strengths and weaknesses of current programs used in many schools today.

Part 2: To develop a greater understanding of the key problems related to effective school-based services for students with EBD, outline a school approach supporting proactive and corrective behavior management.

Part 3: Using the information gleamed from Parts 1and 2, and after reviewing current research and practices in EBD, describe your ideal educational continuum of services plan for students with EBD.

Length: 4-6 pages, not including title and reference page.

References: Minimum of 2 scholarly journal references.