SEC401 Internship- Final Report (12 Week Program)


The Final Report for the SEC401 Internship requires students to undertake reflection on the internship experience in the context of the skills and knowledge learnt for the future role in their workplace. The report includes response to 5 questions and a conclusion.



Review the marking guide below and note the word count and marks allocated – at this 400 level course students are expected to produce well-researched and written papers.

CLO1 20% of overall marks
CLO2 20% of overall marks
CLO3 20% of overall marks
CLO4 30% of overall marks
CLO5 10% of overall marks



The report is due for submission:


Date:               29th July 2024


Submission: Turnitin portal on SEC401 Moodle site (Week 9)

Word count: 1500 (+/- 10% words)


It is a mandatory requirement for this assessment to provide reference to the literature related to Strategic Planning and management. The referencing protocol to be followed is APA.


Late submissions will result in a 10% penalty for each day beyond the due date up to 5 days. A grade of 0 will be assessed for a late submission that is more than 5 days beyond the due date.


For this assignment you will need the ADSW Future Skills 2030 Report (document 3)




Question 1 (CLO4)                            300 words                  15 marks

Discuss two (2) main future challenges associated with your career in policing, ministry of defense or other organizations. You may use evidence from your own research about future trends and drivers in integrated emergency management, business continuity management, policing and homeland security and defense to support your answer. *Sources where information is obtained must be cited in APA format and listed on the References Page.


Question 2 (CLO1)                            400 words                  20 marks

Write about three (3) ways that studying at Rabdan Academy prepared you for the 12-week internship.

Students are required to reflect on how their experience while studying at Rabdan has prepared them to complete the 12-week internship based on the knowledge, skills and aspects of competence developed from years 1 to 3.

SEE FOLLOWING PAGE: Students are required to select one (1) option from the Knowledge Column, one (1) option from the Skills Column and one (1) option from the Aspects of Competence Column and write about how they have developed in each area while studying at Rabdan Academy as a lead up to the 12-week internship.


Question 3 (CLO2)                            400 words                  20 marks

Refer to the UAE Government Future skills (ADSW Future Skills 2030 Report /document 3 / pg. 16):


Discuss the top two (2) skills that you consider most crucial in your future job – why are they crucial? How might each skill contribute to the future work required in the workplace?


Question 4 (CLO4)                            300 words                              15 marks

Select one (1) of the two top skills you wrote about in Question 3 as being most crucial and develop and present a 12-month plan for improving your level of skill in this area.


Question 5 (CLO5)                            100 words                              10 marks

Reflecting on the skills and knowledge developed during your internship, write about two (2) actions you recommend taking in the next 5 years to improve the skills relevant to your career.

NOTE: You MUST NOT write about any specific work completed for the organization during the internship. You are only required to write about your plan of action for developing the knowledge/skills in the next 5 years.



Emirates Knowledge-Skills-Competencies






A3 Rubric Summer 2024 (SEC401)
Criterion Unsatisfactory/Fail
Very Good
1. Discuss two main future challenges associated with your career. [CLO4]
(CLO4 – 15)
The student failed to identify the two challenges clearly and did not provide evidence for the answers Some of the appropriate challenges have been identified but were not supported with appropriate evidenced based arguments. Appropriate challenges have been identified but were not supported with appropriate evidenced based arguments. The student has explained one of the challenges clearly while provide inadequate clarification to the other. Appropriate evidence were used but were not always related to the challenge. The student has explained the two challenges in a very good way and provided evidenced from literature to support the answer. Clear links between the challenges were discussed in the response. The student has explained the two challenges thoroughly and provided evidenced from literature to support the answer. Clear links between the challenges were discussed in the response.
  0-8.8 9-10 10.5-11 11.5-12 12.50 – 13 13,5-15
2. Write about three (3) ways that studying at Rabdan Academy prepared you for the 12-week internship. Students are required to reflect on how their experience while studying at Rabdan has prepared them to complete the 12-week internship based on the knowledge, skills and aspects of competence developed from years 1 to 3.
(CLO1 – 20)
The student failed to explain ways that selected knowledge, skills and aspect of competence prepared them for the 12-week internship. The student partially explained ways that selected knowledge, skills and aspect of competence prepared them for the 12-week internship. The requirement was explained clearly but the student provide thorough reflection for only 1 of the required 3 areas The requirement was explained clearly but the student provide thorough reflection for only 2 of the required 3 areas The requirement was explained clearly for ALL of the required 3 areas. The requirement was explained in an excllent way for ALL of the required 3 areas.
  0-11.8 marks 12-13.8 marks 14-15 marks 15.4-16.6 marks 16.8-17marks 18-20 marks
3. Discuss the top two (2) skills that you consider most crucial in your future job – why are they crucial? How might each skill contribute to the future work required in the workplace?
(CLO2 – 20)
The student failed to identify the two skills clearly and did not provide evidence for the answers Some of the appropriate skills have been identified but were not supported with appropriate evidenced based arguments. Appropriate skills have been identified but were not supported with appropriate evidenced based arguments. The student has explained one of the skills clearly while provide inadequate clarification to the other. Appropriate evidence were used but were not always related to the challenge. The student has explained the two skills in a very good way and provided evidenced from literature to support the answer. Very good links between the skill and future career needs were discussed in the response. The student has explained the two skills thoroughly and provided evidenced from literature to support the answer. Clear links between the skill and future career needs were discussed in the response.
  0-11.8 marks 12-13.8 marks 14-15 marks 15.4-16.6 marks 16.8-17marks 18-20 marks
4. Select one (1) of the two top skills you wrote about in Question 3 as being most crucial and develop and present a 12-month plan for improving your skill level in this area.  (CLO4 – 15) The plan did not include the main necessary elements. The plan is not feasible and KPIs selected would not allow effective review of performance. The plan did not include all necessary several elements and is considered not feasible. Some KPIs selected would not allow effective review of performance. The plan includes most of necessary several elements and is considered not feasible. Some KPIs selected would not allow effective review of performance. The plan includes all necessary elements and is feasible but will not achieve the desired goals. KPI selected would allow review of performance to certain extent. Very good plan with table showing all necessary elements. The plan is feasible and clear KPI is set to monitor the performance in an effective manner. Excellent plan with table showing all necessary elements. The plan is feasible and clear KPI is set to monitor the performance in an effective manner.
  0-8.8 9-10 10.5-11 11.5-12 12.50 – 13 13,5-15
5. Reflecting on the skills developed during your internship, write about two (2) actions you recommend taking in the next 5 years to improve your knowledge/skills in areas relevant to your career.  (CLO5 – 10) Addresses nil- limited of the task Addresses essay task in a range of 60 – 69% Addresses essay task in a range of 70 – 76% Addresses essay task in a range of 77-83% Addresses essay task in a range of 84 – 89% Addresses essay task in a range of 89 – 90%
  0-5.9 marks 6 marks 7 marks 7.7-8.3 marks 8.4-8.9 marks 9-10 marks
6. Presentation
Visually appealing, comprehensive, informative and relevant.
(CLO3 – 20)
Presentation was  not delivered Extremely ineffective in delivering the oral presentation, demonstrating absolutely no level of preparation. Went over the time limit (+12 minutes). Extreme lack of cohesion and preparation was evident. Satisfactory in delivering the oral presentation demonstrating communication skills needing improvement and generally close to the time limit (12 minutes total). Some preparation was evident but still lacking. Somewhat effective in delivering the oral presentation demonstrating average communication skills. Slightly under the time limit (-2 minutes) to where information was omitted. More preparation was needed. Effective in delivering the oral presentation demonstrating very good communication skills and generally close to the time limit for the student to present (12 minutes total). Preparation was evident for the most part. Highly effective delivery of a comprehensive and polished presentation within the time allotted (12 minutes total). Preparation was strongly evident.
  0-11.8 marks 12-13.8 marks 14-15 marks 15.4-16.6 marks 16.8-17marks 18-20 marks