Security Challenges and Privacy Concerns while using IoT in smart cities

I am seeking support from a highly experienced cybersecurity(CIA) freelancer to assist in my research paper. Key objectives are: Optimal candidates should possess: – Strong writing and editing skills – A knack for structuring information effectively – The ability to create engaging and clear content however, no Chatgpt , no google Bard/Gemini, or any other AI tool. Cybersecurity CIA Analysis (2019-Present) Need in-depth analysis of CIA triad in recent research? 5 IEEE papers (2019-present) Comparative table with key insights ⚡ Fast, expert research & delivery Order now & unlock cybersecurity knowledge! Tags: cybersecurity, research, CIA, IEEE, analysis, comparison – Identifying potential vulnerabilities in multiple IoT in smart city systems – Analyzing existing cybersecurity measures – Proposing enhanced security solutions The ideal candidate will understand Security Challenges and Privacy Concerns while using IoT in smart cities, their potential vulnerabilities, and possible solutions. Your role would also involve aiding in comparison and assessment of different cybersecurity measures. specific area of IoT: Applications of Internet of Things (IoT) , Guest_Editorial_Special_Issue_on_Empowering_the_Future_Generation_Systems_Opportunities_by_the_Co, Internet of Things (IoT) for Next-Generation, Internet of Things 2 0 Concepts Applications, and Internet of Things Applications, Security. Research focus: first the freelancer should look for 5 articles and they should be from IEEE format. And then make a compares between the 5 articles on level of the cybersecurity CIA and these articles should be from 2020 to current only. note; i will share the topics with you. select topic and then google it looking for the research paper. then find the survey paper usually you will find 50 papers. and i want him/her to make a table highlighting the compares. Please note that completion is needed ASAP. Your prompt attention and quick work turnaround will be highly appreciated. Research Report 1. Title: [Insert your research title here] 2. Names: [Insert author names here] 3. Department: [Insert department name here] 4. Email: [Insert email address here] 5. Abstract (9-10 lines): Research area: Briefly explain the area your research focuses on. Problems: Identify the key problems existing in the research area. Solutions: Briefly mention the solutions your research proposes. 6. Introduction (20 lines): General overview: Provide a broader introduction to your research topic. References: Include at least 5 relevant references. 7. Motivation (5 lines): Problem and solution significance: Explain the importance of addressing the problem and the potential impact of your solution. Research benefit: Briefly describe how your research benefits the field and its purpose. 8. Related work (40 lines): Summaries of 5 research papers: [Paper title 1]: Briefly summarize the paper in 8 lines. [Paper title 2]: Briefly summarize the paper in 8 lines. [Paper title 3]: Briefly summarize the paper in 8 lines. [Paper title 4]: Briefly summarize the paper in 8 lines. [Paper title 5]: Briefly summarize the paper in 8 lines. 9. Competitive analysis of related work: Comparison table: Create a table comparing the 5 research papers based on: Real Time Computing time Cost Integrity Confidentiality Availability Include a brief explanation and clarification for the table and the chosen comparison criteria. 10. Future proposal: [Beginning with “In the future, we propose…”,] describe potential improvements or specifications for a better solution to the research problem. 11. Conclusion: Summarize your research and highlight the key findings. 12. References (10-15 references from 2020 or later): Include a list of 10-15 relevant references published in 2020 or later. Note delivers: Freelancers should deliver to me the following: -a designed PPT – research paper Me: i will send the IEEE articles to you and you will work on it.