Security of WAN at Access interface level

my project topic name is “Security of WAN at Access interface level”
i need to some technical part for this like packet tracer and VMWare tools. I need to show this coding or technical part to my tutor in my dissertation. Can you help me with my project?
Choose three contemporary HCI research papers (‘target articles’) to review. You must source at least one target article from amongst the HCI conferences and journals listed in the “THCI-Literature-Resources-2021” document. The specification is to write a comparative review of the chosen articles, focusing on methodological decision-making and opportunities for advancing research in the topic area. The body of your comparative review should not exceed 2000 words in length (i.e. not including title, your name and references. The word count should be stated at the end of the main body
This summative assessment can be completed in class or at any other convenient location.

•Students are required to complete this task using digital tools and ensure to submit in an acceptable format, e.g. .docx, .pdf, .pptx, or as advised by your assessor.

•Please use the following formatting guidelines to complete this assessment task:

▪Font Size: 12; Line Spacing: Double; Font Style: Times New Roman
All of the assignment suppose to 600 total. they put to words on the one assignment. Please have someone call me. All four assignment is equal to 600 words about 150 per week assignment. need correction. week 7 is to many words. over 1000 words.
The person didn’t understand what I presented. Also, there no reference. no than 3 is needed
I see what they charge me for. Each week no more 150 to 200 words. professor only as for 100 words. 1000 is to many words for week 7 can narrow it down. 200. and add reference. to be safe maybe I sure do pay for one week at a time.
Yes I have the week 7 it is to many words 1000 is not what I ask for. Can it reduce to 500 words for assignment.
Four Discussion Questions assignments –
125 words with diagrams on each

In week 7 t…
Title: Information system security (ISS) – V01
Topic: Analyzing Attacker Logs And Prevent External/Internal Attacks > prevention system and detecting system

– proposal, the title & function
First you must do Project Proposal Form:
i ) title
ii) introduction
iii ) problem statement
iv) project aim and objectives
v) literature review
vi) deliverables

Please also refer to the sample. There are subtitles also. please follow the sample

– referencing style: APA

wordcount: 1200words
deadline: 11/04 – 10 pm–JDZn7rLUJNpWMjGoQ_cH0?usp=sharing