Short Essay

These will be graded on length, quality of answers, specific reference to the texts, and analytical thought. So please try to include short quotes from the book(s), lecture material and/or videos and other readings. Think about what you want to say, organize your thoughts well, and develop and provide evidence or explanation for your assertions. There is a minimum word count of 500 words. 

You need to include at least three different sources. These can be outside sources and/or sources from class. You do not need a source page, unless you have outside sources. If you cite my lecture just put in (Frawley, Lecture) and if you cite our textbook you can just put in (Faderman, page number). Citing my lecture three times is only citing one source three times. It is not three different sources. 

Make sure to cite the sources you use in the body of the essay. I will deduct points if you do not cite the sources in the paper. There are guides for MLA and APA in the writing resources link. Remember, you should never write a paper as one giant paragraph. If you need a refresher on basic writing skills there is a power point in the writing resources links.

Reminder: Wikipedia is NOT an acceptable source in college writing assignments.

Acceptable sources: peer reviewed articles, books and news articles from reliable sources such as major newspapers or organizations such as the Smithsonian or National Geographic and items provided in course materials.

Unacceptable sources: Wikipedia, popular opinion pieces, and blogs.