Social Comparison Nudges Without Monetary

We are seeking a skilled and detail-oriented writer to develop a comprehensive term paper based on the topic of “Social Comparison Nudges Without Monetary Incentives.” The writer will be provided with the research paper and will need to structure the term paper as per the guidelines outlined below.

Introduce the topic.
Identify and articulate the research question and objective of the paper.
Explain the significance and importance of the research.
Describe the real-world motivation behind the study.
Summarize previous literature and clearly highlight the novel contribution of the paper.

Theoretical Framework

Discuss whether the paper is based on theoretical foundations.
Identify and explain the main predictions of the model.
Motivate the framework if no formal model is used.
State the main hypotheses.

Experimental Setting

Describe the subject pool and recruitment process.
Indicate participant awareness of the experiment.
Outline the main treatments and the randomization process.
Evaluate the success of the randomization.
Report the number of observations in each treatment condition.
Identify and discuss methodological challenges.

Main Results

Focus on the most important results of the paper.
Highlight interesting findings and discuss if results are counter-intuitive, ignored by current theory, or novel and at odds with recent findings.


Assess if the research question is well-motivated and fits into existing literature.
Evaluate the adequacy of the experimental setup.
Identify any shortcomings or open questions in the data collection process.
Interpret the results convincingly, considering alternative explanations.
Suggest potential extensions of the experiment and provide a general conclusion.

General Guidelines
Length: 10 pages (excluding title page, references, appendices).
Formatting: Arial, Size 11, Line Spacing 1.5, Justified.
Margins: Top 2.5 cm, Bottom 2.5 cm, Left 2.5 cm, Right 2.5 cm.
Page Numbers: Bottom right of the page..