Software Engineering

The director of software engineering and the product manager for the company collected the user stories from the client (as depicted in the document provided in the resources section below). In addition, the chief financial officer of the hospital gave the director a complete breakdown of the charges for surgeries, hospital stays, and prescription drugs.

The director has asked you to read through the stories and help with the Functional Requirements Document (FRD), which is a formal statement of the programs functional requirements and serves the same purpose as a contract. Your company agrees to provide the capabilities specified. The product will meet the clients satisfaction if it provides the capabilities specified in the FRD. The director has also asked you to identify any specific user interface, compliance, security, data, and data access requirements, and identify which requirements are functional and which are non-functional.

Create a 2-page document using Microsoft® Word of the requirements the FRD will need. Be sure to include the following:

  • Describe clearly and in detail 5 functional requirements.
  • Describe clearly and in detail 5 non-functional requirements.
  • Describe one requirements validation technique you would recommend.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.