Statistic Final Project

   Good afternoon. I am preparing for the final Statistic project, and I need a 10 12-pages essay plus references. The instructions are specific, and the teacher is one of the board of directors so it must be the best of the best.

The purpose of the project is for you to gain experience in applying the methods taught in the class to a real data set of interest to you.

Project Description

The standard project is to use multiple regression analysis to analyze a data set that is of interest to you MEDICAL INDICATION OF MARIGUANA MEDICINAL. If you have a strong interest in analysis of variance (the topic we will cover after multiple regression), your project can consist of using analysis of variance to analyze a data set.

The final report for the project should be a 10 to 12-page paper that describes the questions of interest, MEDICAL INDICATION OF MARIGUANA MEDICINAL how you used your data set to analyze these questions with details on the steps you used in your analysis, your findings about your question of interest and the limitations of your study. Specifically, your report should contain the following:

1. Abstract: A one paragraph summary of what you set out to learn, and what you ended up finding. It should summarize the entire report.

2- Introduction: A discussion of what questions you are interested in.

3- Data Set: Describe details about how the data set was collected and the variables in the data set.

4- Number or article reviewed.

5- Analysis: Describe how you used multiple regression to analyze the data set. Specifically, you should discuss how you carried out the steps in analysis discussed in class, i.e., exploration of data to find an initial reasonable model, checking the model and changes to the model based on your checking of the model.

6- Results: Provide inferences about the questions of interest and discussion.

7- Statistical parameters

8- Limitations of study and conclusion: Describe any limitations of your study and how they might be overcome in future research and provide brief conclusions about the results of your study.

9- Self-reflection no more than 200 words.

APA style 7