Attached was the midterm project now i need the final project done


  • No more than 2 to 3 pages
  • Present the findings using the skillset acquired (topics covered) in class.
  • Also include the dataset with the analysis (could be excel or any statistical package). You should provide details of the analysis in an Appendix.

How are the 40 points given: 10 for each Module you choose to apply. (For example, you choose regression to test an association or predict an outcome, you get 10 points for that analysis)

Data Analytics is a subject that can be best appreciated only when applied to a dataset you are familiar with. The aim of this project is to achieve that. Do not view this project as a hurdle in the course, rather a bridge to connect the topics you learnt to your work or subject domain. There are five main modules in this course:

  • Module 1 : Normal Distribution (Percentile, distribution of means, and chance of occurrence if we assume normal distribution)
  • Module 2 : Confidence Interval Estimation (Including Sample Size determination)
  • Module 3 : Inferences from data (Hypothesis testing, i.e., confirming or checking if a claim made about the data. In this module, we dealt with only one sample)
  • Module 4 : More Inferences from data (Multiple samples)
  • Module 5 : Regression analysis (Both simple and multiple, apart from basic ANOVA)
  1. Bring your own data from work (you can remove any private or confidential information, for example: if you are bringing any sales or cost data of an item/product or service  the name can be masked)
  2. Use data from your previous work or company you have access to (again you can remove any private/confidential information)
  3. Use data from public domain  In todays world, there is no dearth of structured data. Here are some places where you can get data from: