Strategic Business Report on Pepsico KSA

This is a project related to Strategic Business subject. The project is about Pepsico Company (Saudi Arabia). The following sections should be included in the report: 1st Section: Corporate Governance and Control a. Informational control and Behavioral Control Strategy b. Corporate governance mechanisms c. Provide your conclusion 2nd Section: Organizational Design a. Organizational structure and its advantages/disadvantages b. Provide your conclusion 3rd Section: Strategic Leadership a. Learning organization b. Ethical organization c. Provide your conclusion Please note the following: – COURSE Material for each section will be provided. 1- The project is about PepsiCo that is operating in Saudi Arabia. Hence, you should focus on PepsiCo that is operating in Saudi Arabia (However, you can take information from PepsiCo Global if it’s applicable to its Saudi Branch). 2- Please avoid using AI. 3- Please avoid plagiarism. 4- Please note that the university uses AI and plagiarism dedctors. 5- Please note that this is a master degree project. Hence, it should be detailed, analyzed and well written in an analytical and professional way (not only stating facts). 6- Online sources, including Google and firm websites, can be used to extract information. 7- If some information is unavailable, find a reliable source in the selected firm to get that information. 8- Analyze the above required sections according to your gathered information. 9-Include as many references as you can using APA style.