Strengthening supply chain resilience during COVID‐19

Academic project report – No AI

I would like someone who could write an academic project report on a current case study called (Strengthening supply chain resilience during COVID‐19) by Zuojun Max Shen and Yiqi Sun. • Keep in mind NOT USING AI – an academic AI detector will be used. • Professional References is a must – Harvard referencing style for in-text citations. • Using own words (not copying the words in the case) • Using someone else’s words or ideas requires crediting that person by putting quotation marks around them and citing the source. • If you download a picture from the Internet, you must cite the source of the image. Core Requirements: 1. Critical Analysis: Provide own critique, arguments, suggestions for solutions, and lessons learned from the selected document. 2. Length: 3500-4000 words 3. References: Include a minimum of four references from journals published between 2020 and 2024. 4. Citation Style: Use Harvard referencing style for in-text citations. 5. Formatting: a) Cover page b) Introduction/abstract c) Objectives of the research & methodology d) Challenging faces by the company e) Discuss yours recommend solution for the problem f) Lessons learned in the project g) Conclusion h) References i) Add further subheadings as per the requirements of the project 6. Submission: A single report in WORD format , The report should include a cover page with the project title, and a table of contents. The final report should be a minimum of ten pages, (cover page, references, and other appendices are not part of the page count). Use 12-point Times New Roman font, and single space for all submissions.