Structured Reflection

Module Code: FDY3001
Module Title: Personal Learning Competencies
Assignment: 1.     Structured Reflection
Word Count: 1200 words
Contribution to Module Mark: 60% of overall grade
Submission Deadline: 17/06/2024, (Time: 14:00)
Learning outcome assessed: 1.     To have identified the core learning competencies and attributes required to be successful in higher education.

2.     To have established what constitutes a personal learning identity and consider your own identity, your core competencies and attributes.

3.     Use reflection as a tool to understand past behaviour and develop strategies for future personal learning.

4.     Explain the purpose of feedback and have developed personal strategies to receive and analyse feedback for personal improvement.

Assessment Task

Write a 1200-word structured reflection on your personal learning identity.

Use the open questions provided to guide your reflection.


Assignment Structure: Report:


Cover Page 

  • This should clearly follow the cover page template in your Moodle. Your Student ID, Student Name, Module Name and Code, Assignment Name and the Word Count.


I. Introduction (100-150 words)

·       Briefly introduce the topic of personal learning identity

·       Provide an overview of the assessment structure and objectives.


II. Core Learning Competencies and Attributes (200-250 words)

·       Identify and explain the core competencies and attributes required for success in education

·       Discuss how these competencies and attributes apply to your own learning experiences


III. Reflecting on Past Behaviours and Responses (300-350 words)

·       Reflect on past behaviours and responses in relation to your own learning experiences

·       Analyse how these behaviours and responses have impacted your learning

·       Discuss changes you can make to improve your learning outcomes in the future

IV. Strategies for Future Personal Learning (250-300 words)

·       Develop strategies for future personal learning based on the competencies and attributes identified in section II

·       Discuss how these strategies can be applied to your own learning experiences

V. Feedback and Personal Improvement (150-200 words)

·       Explain the purpose of feedback in the learning process

·       Discuss personal strategies for receiving and analysing feedback for personal improvement

VI. Conclusion (100-150 words)

·       Summarize the key points covered in the assessment

·       Reflect on how the assessment has helped you develop a successful personal learning identity

·       Discuss any future steps you plan to take to continue developing your personal learning identity



References (1-2 Pages)

  • Your assignment should be Harvard Referenced and show a range of sources. You must demonstrate at least 6 references, of which 4 must be from academic journals/ articles/textbooks. This is an academic report; therefore, appropriate referencing is expected. 


Appendix 1

Student Name:                                                         Student regnum:                                       FDY3001 – Structured Reflection


Criteria Exceptional (80%+) Excellent (70%+) Above Average (60-69%) Average (50-59%) Below Average (40-49%) Unsatisfactory (below 40%)
References (20%) References present an exceptional range of current views and research. All, or nearly all points are supported by citations.


Includes several references not provided in lectures.


Referencing accurate.

References present an excellent range of current views and research. Most points made are supported by citations.


Includes references not provided in lectures.


Referencing accurate.

References present a very good range of current views and research. More than 5 citations are included.





Referencing accurate.

References present a good range of current views and research. 5 or more citations are included.






Referencing has some inaccuracies.

References present an adequate range of current views and research. At least 5 citations are included.






Referencing has frequent inaccuracies.

References are absent or present a very poor range of current views and research.





Referencing absent or does not follow guidelines.

Failure to achieve 40% or above in this section will mean the assessment is failed and a resit will be needed
Academic Reading & Research(  (50%) Exceptional evidence of current knowledge base e.g. Gardner, Duckworth, Dweck, Bandura and/or others.



Exceptional links made between personal experience and relevant theory.


Frequent examples of critical commentary linking ideas and themes together.


Insightful and concise commentary demonstrating exceptional understanding of the topic.

Excellent evidence of current knowledge base e.g. Gardner, Duckworth, Dweck, Bandura and/or others.



Excellent links made between personal experience and relevant theory.



Frequent examples of critical commentary.



Insightful and concise commentary demonstrating excellent understanding of the topic.

Strong evidence of current knowledge base e.g. Gardner, Duckworth, Dweck, Bandura and/or others.


Strong links made between personal experience and relevant theory.



Sufficient examples of critical commentary.



Meaningful commentary demonstrating very good understanding of the topic.

Some evidence of current knowledge base e.g. Gardner, Duckworth, Dweck, Bandura and/or others.


Some links made between personal experience and relevant theory.



Some examples of critical commentary.



Meaningful commentary demonstrating good understanding of the topic.

Limited evidence of current knowledge base e.g. Gardner, Duckworth, Dweck, Bandura and/or others.



Few links made between personal experience and relevant theory.



Limited critical commentary




Commentary demonstrates some understanding of the topic.

Lacking evidence of current knowledge base e.g. Gardner, Duckworth, Dweck, Bandura and/or others.



No links made between personal experience and relevant theory.



No critical commentary




Commentary demonstrates only superficial understanding of the topic.

Undertaking defined tasks


Makes exceptional use of Gibbs reflective cycle including all correct sub-headings.

All sections of the cycle completed cohesively creating a critical analysis.

SMART actions relate clearly to the issues raised within the reflection and will facilitate significant progress.

Adherence to word count.

Makes excellent use of Gibbs reflective cycle including all correct sub-headings.

All sections of the cycle completed cohesively.

SMART actions relate clearly to the issues raised within the reflection.

Adherence to word count.

Makes good use of Gibbs reflective cycle including all correct sub-headings.

All sections of the cycle completed.

SMART actions relate to the issues raised within the reflection.

Adherence to word count.

Makes use of Gibbs reflective cycle including correct sub-headings.

All sections of the cycle completed but with inconsistent success.

SMART actions are included but do not relate clearly to the issues raised in the reflection


Actions are included but are not SMART.

Adherence to word count.

Makes limited use of Gibbs reflective cycle and uses no or incorrect subheadings.

Some sections of the cycle are completed but some are missing.

Limited actions are included.

More than 10% over or under word count.

Does not use Gibbs reflective cycle.

Does not use appropriate subheadings.

Significant sections of the Gibbs cycle are missing.

No actions are included.

Fails to adhere to word count.




Overall Grade %


Strengths of your work (also see marking grid above)




Areas for development




Answer to the essay


Personal learning identity is a dynamic concept that delves into the unique blend of characteristics, experiences, and beliefs that shape individuals’ approach to learning and their educational journeys. It encompasses how individuals perceive themselves as learners, including their preferences, strengths, challenges, and the values that guide their learning endeavors. By exploring personal learning identity, individuals gain profound insights into tailoring educational experiences to suit their distinct needs, fostering growth, and maximizing their learning potential.

The assessment structure is designed to delve into various dimensions of personal learning identity, aiming to uncover learners’ unique traits and perspectives. Through a combination of self-reflection exercises, surveys, and interviews, the assessment seeks to capture a comprehensive picture of learners’ learning preferences, strengths, challenges, and aspirations. Ultimately, the assessment aims to empower learners to harness their strengths, navigate challenges, and cultivate a sense of agency in their educational journey.\

Core Learning Competencies and Attributes

Success in education hinges upon mastering essential skills and cultivating key attributes that empower learners to navigate the complexities of academic endeavors effectively. These competencies encompass a diverse array of abilities and qualities that are fundamental for thriving in educational settings and beyond.

Critical thinking stands at the forefront of these competencies, enabling learners to evaluate information critically, discerning between fact and opinion, and making well-informed decisions. Equally essential is problem-solving, which empowers individuals to approach challenges with creativity and perseverance, devising innovative solutions to academic and real-world problems.

Effective communication skills are paramount for fostering meaningful interactions with peers and instructors, facilitating collaboration and feedback that enhance the learning experience. Collaboration itself is a cornerstone of success, as it enables individuals to work cohesively with others, leveraging diverse perspectives and skill sets to achieve shared objectives.

Adaptability and resilience are indispensable qualities that equip learners to navigate unforeseen setbacks and changes with grace and determination. In an ever-evolving academic landscape, the ability to adapt and bounce back from adversity is essential for maintaining a growth mindset and seizing opportunities for learning and personal development.

Finally, self-regulation plays a pivotal role in managing one’s learning process, encompassing skills such as time management, goal setting, and self-motivation. By cultivating self-regulation, learners can stay focused, organized, and proactive in pursuing their academic goals.

Reflecting on my own educational journey, these core competencies and attributes have been instrumental in shaping my learning experiences. They have empowered me to approach challenges with confidence, collaborate effectively with peers, and adapt to new environments and expectations. As I continue my academic pursuits, I am committed to further developing these competencies, knowing they will serve as pillars of success in university and beyond.

Reflecting on Past Behaviours and Responses

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