Supplementary Assessment Analysing and Designing Process Modelling

A word-processed report of around 3000 +/- 10% words which includes:
o Executive Summary (not included in the word count)
o Table of Contents (not included in the word count)
o Introduction
o The main body which includes:
▪ Key issues/problems discussion (at least 3 major ones)
▪ Your analysis of identified solutions for the key problems
▪ Your recommendations (as described in Part 2)
▪ A summary is providing a holistic picture of how you have approached the problems or opportunities and of how the Process will be improved if your recommendations are implemented.
▪ Discuss if automation is a future solution, why or why not (part 3).
▪ Assumptions and limitations.
▪ A change management plan (how you manage changes).
o Conclusion
o References (not included in the word count)
You MUST use the Harvard Referencing style throughout your report and include an accurate list of references at the end of the report. You can access the correct style from the library: Harvard System ( )
o Appendices: All models and model explanations (not included in the word count)
Part 1: Level 2 Business Process Modelling (please note that all models and tables will be in appendix):
• Based on the case description attached, you shou construct the current process using the Level 2 BPMN diagram(s). (A set of level 2 AS-IS models should be in the report appendices).
• Design new process(es) (TO-BE models) using BPM level 2 modelling which addresses the problems you have identified, and you suggest can feasibly be implemented. (A set of level 2 TO-BE models should be in the report appendices). • All level 2 models should be labelled correctly in the model file (for example, a Bizagi file include all models).
Please note that you should be able to add assumptions to fulfil the case. Such as if equipment inspection failed, clerk should be able to request equipment re-sent. If invoice does not match, financial clerk should discuss with supplier…….These information may not in the case description, but based on your business knowledge and research, you should be able to add these details.
Advice on modelling format:
The following requirements are for the as-is and to-be model(s).
• Model the process in BPMN using the modelling software. You have to copy all models into your report appendix. The original modelling file also required to submit through the modelling submission link.
Supplementary Assessment
Analysing and Designing Process Modelling
INF30005 Business Process Management Suplementary Assessment for James Cooke
©Swinburne University of Technology Dr. Xuemei Tian 2
• Each diagram should occupy no more than one page, Landscape!!!.
• All models in the file must be printable as they are, within margins and all diagram elements legible. Layout your diagrams to ensure all contents are readable when your submission is printed on A4 paper. Check the final result is readable. Indecipherable content cannot be assessed and will attract a mark of zero.
• The models must be formatted logically and elegantly. The models should adhere to the qualities mentioned in lectures.
• You must have a clear layer of processes which should include main and a set of sub-processes.
• The process modelled should match what you have described in your analysis report. If the suggested solutions do not impact how your models look, you need to provide a brief explanation.
• The views of models must be consistent with each other, enabling the whole analysis to make sense.
Part 2: Business Process Problem identification and Improvement Recommendation
Step 1: you should provide a review (aimed at the management and staff of the organisation) on analysing the current business process(es) – Building Equipment Rental process, their prospective problems and issues based on your understanding and knowledge. At least 3 major issues.
Step 2: You are required to provide recommendations for the possible changes to the business process or to the way they are managed which you consider will add value to their business and why they are more efficient and effective compared with the existing model.
You should carefully read the diagrams and link them to the key issues and consider if there are possibilities to alter the diagrams based as a result of your recommendations for solving problems (for example, combine the tasks, reduce double handling…). If so, you should provide the new to-be process diagram(s). If not, then should indicate why they do not affect.
For solving problems/issues, you also need to consider the resources and performance. For example:
1. Where is the process bottleneck?
2. How to better organize staff and allocate jobs to achieve 80% utilization?
You don’t need to provide accurate numbers; general discussion and analysis will be efficient.
For each issue/problem selected, state the Best Practices (these can be selected from Appendix 1) you will apply (if one exists). For each Best Practice, describe how it is applied and explain how your solution solves or improves the issue identified. Document your analysis can be summerized in a table using the following format:
a) The issue being considered.
INF30005 Business Process Management Suplementary Assessment for James Cooke
©Swinburne University of Technology Dr. Xuemei Tian 3
b) Best Practice employed. Choose from the Best Practices discussed in the lectures.
c) Please describe how the Best Practice is applied to the process and how it addresses the problems.
d) Describe the possible advantages and any other issues addressed at the same time.
e) Any disadvantages.
a. Issue
b. Best Practice/
c. Application Description and/or Solution Explanation
d. Advantages
e. Disadvantages
Note: This table should only be used to summarize your discussions. The table can be put in an appendix. Detailed discussion should be in the report.
You also need to consider approaches (methodologies), Lean, Six Sigma & Lean Six Sigma. Which of them is best suited for substantially improving the case business Process(es), and why? You will also need to provide a discussion summarising how the case business Processes will be impacted and changed, after adopt the methodology, how the processes be operated.
Advice on Best practices:
• Of the Best Practices mentioned in the lesson overview, only the Customer, BP Operation and Behaviour Best Practices affect the BPMN diagram. The other Best Practices, especially the Organization/Resources Best Practices, have little or no effect on the diagram. Therefore it is advisable to apply Customer, BP Operation and Behaviour Best Practices before Process Automation, and the rest after. However, you should do this in the interests of simplifying the process and therefore, the diagram.
• Many of the Best Practices apply to a specific part of the process. It must be clearly stated how and where the Best Practice is applied in the process, preferably in column c. For example, if applying the Activity Elimination Best Practice, it must be clear what activity is being eliminated.
• Your applications of cited Redesign Best Practices form a set of recommendations for process improvement. Your recommendations must be consistent as a whole. That is, they must all be able to be applied together to obtain a consistent and coherent To-Be process.
• To address a single problem, it might be necessary that more than one Best Practice will be required. Also, once a Best Practice is applied potentially more than one problem will be addressed.
Part 3: Logical Automated Business Processing:
In the report part, you need to discuss if automation is one of the solutions for the current business process’ problems/issues. You should include key advantages, disadvantages, challenges and limitations and how important it is to consider automation in the long-term business process improvement practices.
INF30005 Business Process Management Suplementary Assessment for James Cooke
©Swinburne University of Technology Dr. Xuemei Tian 4
In the modelling part, you should transform one of the current BPMN level 2 AS-IS model(s) into a logical automated model that shows how the process can be automated by a process engine (BPMS). It should clearly show how each participant communicates with the process engine and what data is transmitted. For this assignment, to present a logic automation model, you only need to consider the ‘happy’ path when everything goes smoothly or a sub-process.
Advice for logical Automated Design
• The automated design model must contain one Executable pool (for the process engine). In the executable pool, you may have service or script tasks, gateways and intermediate message events. It will require BPMN Level 2 elements (BPMS lane).
• The automated logical design model will, in general, have many non-executable pools, one for each internal participant, generally human. Non-executable pools may contain just process fragments. Level 1 BPMN is acceptable. For the non-executable pools, it is not necessary to include start event and end events.
• A non-executable pool interacts with the executable pool (BPMS) by Message Flows. A Message flow will connect with a Message Event in the executable pool and a task in the non-executable pool.
• The logical automated design model will also have many white-box pools, one for each external participant. An external participant may interact with either an internal participant in a non-executable pool or directly with the process engine in the executable pool via a user interface, such as a website.