Supply Chain Disruption

Based on Chapters one and two reading, analyze the events prior to financial meltdown of 2008. What are the causes of this event? Use a research format template (Introduction, Statement of Problem, Root Cause Effect, Proposed Solution, Data Requirement, Anticipated Results, Conclusion) and a flowcharting scheme, list the order of events. Utilize the definitions and concepts of supply chain risk management, and offer a strategy for company preparedness for similar events


Follow rubric guidelines

Specialized Knowledge – Student provides a strong introduction to the paper that gives a background of the situation and includes a great thesis statement; provides a strong conclusion.

Broad Integrative Knowledge  – Pulled research from 5 or more sources and at least 3 are from peer-reviewed sources.

Program Objective – Identified and discussed 3 important points required by the assignment description.

Course Objective  – provides 3+ examples of the points discussed in the paper and cites sources to support his/her findings.

Organization – Student organizes paper with APA style headings.

Grammar – Paper contains no errors.

APA – Paper contains 0-1 APA errors.

Paper length – Paper exceeds the length requirement and is 3 pages in length.

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