Task 5 Monitoring a Project Using MS Project Test Paper

Task 5 Monitoring a Project Using MS Project Test Paper


All the files for this exercise can be found in the Task 5 Road Project files folder. At each stage you can check your work against the mpp files.


This test requires your final version of the MS Project file you created in Task 3 test.


a) Save this file as your Task 5 Test Project.


b) Show project summary task (ID will be 0 – need to do this in Options/Advanced)


c) Add Recurring Tasks for Project Meetings to occur every other Monday


starting 19/04/2021.


d) Set a Deadline date for Clear Site as 22nd October 2021.


e) Set the status date to 01/04/2021.


f) Set the Baseline and save your Baseline file.


g) Open the Test 5 Monitoring Data blank.xlsx file and enter all the data


required for the Baseline status date.


h) Status Date – 31st May 2021


i. Set status date to 31/05/2021.


ii. Enter the following updates


Project Meetings 1 to 4 100% complete


Site Clearance 100% complete


Steelwork Fabrication 70% complete


Bulk Excavation 100% complete


Hardcore Actual Start 20/05/2021 100% complete


Piling Remaining Work 160h


iii. iv. Update the project (use the default setting in the drop-down menu)Ensure that ALL the updates are as h)ii) above (very important you reset any that have been changed).Update the project again using “Reschedule uncompleted work” to see impact on project. Ignore any over-allocation of resources.Repeat g) above.Save this file under a different name.
vi. vii.

i) Status Date – 06/09/2021


i. Set status date to 06/09/2021.


ii. Enter the following updates


Project Meetings 5 to 11 100% complete


Steelwork Fabrication 100% complete


Piling Actual Finish 18/06/2020


Retaining Wall Excavate 100% complete


Pile Caps 100% complete


Retaining Wall Construction 100% complete


Backfill 100% complete


Steelwork Erection 100%


Cladding 70% complete


Concrete Floors 100% complete


External Services 100% complete


Partitions 100% complete


Roof Finishes 100% complete


Internal Services Actual Start 26/08/2021 and 10% complete


iii. Repeat h) iii) to vii) above


iv. Note down how many days over the deadline (or before) the project now is and which activities (ID number needed) you could delay to remove any resource over-allocation.


v. Save this file under a different name.