Technical Research Writing – Detailed Introduction, Literature Review, and Methodology

formulate a detailed introduction, literature review, and methodology section for a thesis. The work should be written in a professional and scientific tone, ensuring the content is well-researched, coherent, and free from AI-generated text. The model for the research is provided as an attachment.

Note: The use of AI-generated content is strictly prohibited. All work must be original and written by the applicant.


Introduction (3-5 pages):

Provide a comprehensive overview of the research topic.
Clearly define the research problem and objectives.
Discuss the significance and scope of the study.
Outline the structure of the thesis.
Literature Review (15-20 pages):

Conduct an extensive review of existing literature related to the research topic.
Summarize and critically analyze relevant theories, models, and findings from previous studies.
Identify gaps in the current knowledge and how the research aims to address them.
Establish a theoretical framework for the research.
Use IEEE style for numbered in-text citations (e.g., [24], [100]) to reference sources.
Methodology (12-15 pages):

Describe the research design and approach.
Explain the methods and procedures for data collection and analysis.
Justify the choice of methodology and its relevance to the research objectives.
Discuss any limitations and ethical considerations of the chosen methodology.
Use IEEE style for numbered in-text citations (e.g., [24], [100]) to reference sources.

Proven experience in academic writing, particularly in thesis writing.
Strong background in scientific research and methodology.
Ability to write in a professional, scientific tone.
Excellent research and analytical skills.
Attention to detail and adherence to academic standards.
Familiarity with EndNote for managing references.
Ability to work independently and meet deadlines.

A detailed introduction, literature review, and methodology section, adhering to the specified page limits.
All references cited in the text using IEEE style numbered in-text citations.
A separate EndNote file containing all referenced sources.