The Effect of Coaching on Teachers’ Practices

Background of Study In the school community, ensuring education quality is a joint effort. Increased involvement leads to better acceptance of school policies and practices, emphasizing the necessity to enhance capacity among school members. Mentoring or coaching is a key method for developing staff abilities, enabling thorough oversight of content, teaching methods, and policy implementation. This cultivates proactive and influential staff members who enhance the school organization. In the UAE private school landscape, schools face numerous demands and must adhere to policies, necessitating a focus on building capacity among employees. Many schools opt to assign coaches for various aspects of teaching, such as classroom management, differentiation, group work, and project-based learning, among others. Statement of Research Problem This study operates under the premise that coaching serves as an effective method for teachers to improve their classroom practices. Moreover, it is suggested that the schools in the UAE use the coaching technique to enhance teachers’ practices and teaching skills. Thus, it is important to investigate the implementation of the coaching techniques in the UAE along with the impact ot leaves in their classrooms. Significance of Study This study is important as it addresses a gap in the existing literature by exploring the role of coaching in a different context, specifically within the UAE. Considering the ongoing changes in the UAE’s educational system and the frequent school inspections, it is crucial to examine how coaching can ensure the perfect implementation of the current practices accelerate the improvement process, and lead to the attainment of optimal results. The study seeks to gain a comprehensive understanding of coaching within the UAE context. It aims to identify the specific areas where teachers feel least confident and require assistance, evaluate the impact of this support on classroom practices, and delineate the key qualities necessary for a successful coaching experience with teachers. Consequently, the research aims to address the following questions: How are coaching practices implemented in UAE private schools? How does coaching influence teachers’ practices What qualities are essential for coaches to ensure an impactful coaching experience according to middle leaders? The research will be qualitative and data will be collected using interviews and observation.