The Immersive VR experience contribute to students’ experiential learning and decision- making

Task: Need to write Introduction/Background/Problem Statement for the following title. (one and half page) with APA 7th Style

Title: The Immersive VR experience contribute to students’ experiential learning and decision- making processes in academic specialization selection

Please avoid using ChatGPT

Content of Introduction/Background/Problem Statement

You should include:

Some important questions to guide your introduction include:

  • Who has an interest in the topic (e.g. scientists, practitioners, policymakers, particular members of society)?
  • Why is your research important
  • How much is already known about the problem (Previous studies)?
  • What is the gap that needs to be filled?
  • What is the problem that needs to be solved
  • What is missing from current knowledge (what has not been studied)?
  • What new insights will your research contribute?
  • Why is this research worth doing?

If your proposal is very long, you might include separate sections with more detailed information on the background and context, problem statement, aims and objectives, and importance of the research.

        My Research Objectives:

  1. To develop a comprehensive Virtual Reality (VR) platform that provides an in-depth understanding of different specializations during the university admission
  2. To assess the effectiveness of the VR platform in enhancing students’ understanding of the skills, requirements, and nuances associated with each specialization.
  3. To investigate the impact of the VR-guided self-evaluations on students’ confidence and satisfaction with their chosen specialization.
  4. To explore the potential of VR technology in offering experiential and student-centred learning opportunities for academic decision-making.

My Research Questions and Expected Outcomes:

  1. How does the VR platform enhance students’ understanding of different specializations during the admission stage?
  2. What is the impact of VR-guided self-evaluations on students’ confidence and satisfaction in their chosen specialization?
  3. How does the immersive VR experience contribute to students’ experiential learning and decision- making processes in academic specialization selection?