The Transformative Power of Artificial Intelligence

I need to write a 8,000 to 9000 words is research paper on this topic:

The Transformative Power of Artificial Intelligence: Revolutionizing Education, Business, Industry, and Public Administration to Deliver Unprecedented Quality Services


8000 to 9000 words

Research proposal requirements

demonstrating how and why your research is relevant to your field. Your proposal should demonstrate that the work is necessary to fill a gap in the existing body of research on your subject, underlining existing research on your subject, and adding new depths to the understanding of your subject.



  1. An introduction to your topic, stating your proposal and the questions your research aims to answer.


  1. The reason your subject is of particular importance.


  1. A summary of the research methodology and the theories/approaches that the researcher will use.


  1. The tools and procedures you will use to collect, analyse and interpret the data you collect.


  1. The main challenges that you expect to face during the research.


  1. An explanation of how you research could benefit your final field.


  1. The research proposal should be authentic and original.
  2. The research should be written specifically in your field.
  3. There will be no tolerance of any kind of plagiarism.
  4. You paper will be check for all AI used and if so denied


  • AI in data collection
  • AI in investigative
  • AI in verification, fact-checking, and information manipulation



Articles should be of high academic quality, and should be 8000-9000 words in length, including all references, a list of sources and footnotes. An abstract of 200-300 words, a list of 7-8 keywords for indexing purposes, and a few lines about the author should be included. Abstracts should be written in the present tense and cover the following aspects: problematique, thesis, main arguments, methods, findings and conclusions. Figures and tables should be included in the main text and  in the appropriate places. Pages should be numbered. No personal or author information should remain on submitted manuscripts. This is to comply with our double-blind peer review process. Please submit your manuscript in Times New Roman 12pt, with 1.5 line spacing. Book reviews for AJCR should be between 1000-1500 words, including information on the book title, author, year, place and publisher, total number of pages, ISBN number as well as a few lines about the reviewer.


Articles should be well referenced, according to the Harvard Style (author date: page number). As far as possible, in-text references should include the page numbers of the sections referred to. In the case of direct quotations, the inclusion of exact page numbers is absolutely necessary. Footnotes may be used to add extra details, comments or references which may distract attention from arguments in the text.