Tools compaison

ooking for someone who can do an analysis on some tools we use (Slack, Google Meets, Zoom, Microsoft Teams).
It’s a technical analysis so there’s a lot of algorithm and lingo
And obviously the security behind every one of them

example of a plan
” 1- What is “tool” ? (an overview about the application)
2- The fundamentals of the software/application (its impact on hardware, the database)
3- How it functions (which language was used/ it runs on browsers and as an app and how it functions in them)
4 – Performance ”

2 pages (12 font size)

No plagiarism and a bibliography

The project is about a technical analysis of a tool
Microsoft Teams
According to the plan, it should be about 2 pages and a bibliography, where you analyze some aspects
such as the programming language used, the type of security, the database…
and once Teams is done and based on the outcome of the project, we can proceed to another tool with the same analysis and at the end we’ll have a final project to conclude with a comparison